
Artists, Designers, and those who create games have no moral or ethical obligation to make you or anyone else feel good. They create art that speaks from or to their own experience.

You can't understand the entitlement culture of females, and yet you're a feminist - one of the most entitled subsets of women on the planet?

Don't forget the ridiculous token feminism articles just to satisfy their inherent bias.

D'awwwww. Look at the 2nd-waver, discarding the suffragists when it doesn't suit her, while bellowing support for them whenever it fancies her.

No other reason to hire so many Angry Feminist "Nerds" to write "articles".

“And all the time—such is the tragi-comedy of our situation—we continue to clamour for those very qualities we are rendering impossible. You can hardly open a periodical without coming across the statement that what our civilization needs is more ‘drive’, or dynamism, or self-sacrifice, or ‘creativity’. … We make men

Oblivion Tentacle Monster mod was more sexy. Just sayin'.

I'm well aware that our liberties have been hijacked. The personality cult presently occupying our White House speaks volumes to that.

Owning armament, and indeed, the best armament available at the time, is not archaic unless you trust your government completely and are totally fine with criminals getting whatever they need anyway.

'Assault' is just defined as anything with a semi-auto. And apparently now, with a large clip.

A gun is a less painful way to die, first.

Our laws are not 'lax' and owning and bearing armament has been a part of our founding documents since we were just a loose confederation of colonies. It's important to us.

No, Patricia, that's not what you wrote.

Exactly. If you're going to post an article about the new Kitana pvc statue, great - tell us how awesome it is, include pictures!

I'm more disappointed with ridiculous, forced feminist diatribes in any article where they think it'll get cross-hits, and their completely obvious bias.

Oh, the horror, a human male saw nearly-nude human females. It's not like he has an instinct that'll make that something he wants later anyway. Nooooo. THE HORROR.

Guide to Briffault's Law and exploitation of the male sex drive, huh?

Yes, because they renamed the error message. It's 'E74' now.

There were multiple problems. Lead-free solder was, in fact, one of them that contributed to RROD and YLOD specifically.