The Lightbringer

Not at all, since ‘Jennifer Hale’ is supposed to be spelled like this:

Actually, I should, since Mark Meer = Commander Shepard. So...

Get over what? I’m stating a fact. I’m not mad about it. Maybe YOU should get over it. Whatever it is.

Commander Shepard? Where? I don’t see Mark Meer.

...but my Shepard was male...

More ignorance, thanks for proving my point and not comprehending what I wrote at all.

Political correctness running rampant again. I’m getting so tired of everyone having to explicitly write all-inclusive paragraphs to avoid being portrayed as terrible people.

This message has become unnecessary to me. This one in particular seems like it's really trying too hard

see, i always felt that message was largely insincere ass covering. “hey we are going to make a game series that will really be offensive of your faith if you are catholic, so here is where we tell you its ok before plowing into you.” its the “i am not racist but” of game narrative. one would hope any work environment

You are a sad person.

“Sadly, the Shuttle Program would turn out to be more of a very expensive anchor that would keep mankind stuck in orbit for decades than a economical space plane that could facilitate exploration beyond earth’s orbit.” Incorrect. You need to research the unclassified Shuttle program accomplishments. No need to even up

I’ve been waiting so long to use this gif.

You realize the saying is “Two wrongs DON’T make a right”... right?

How old is he? 12?

... Come home, MJ.

No one fucking cares. Shut up about re-translation shit.

Japan’s Ogasawara islands are almost 1000km from any nearby landmass, as are their neighbours Guam and Northern Marianas islands, which are both basically US territories. speaking of which, how’s Hawaii doing? or the Falkland islands? Greenland is right next to Canada, but somehow it belongs to the Danes? claims can

Japan was pretty awful during the war almost on par with nazi.. alot people like you (probably not from asia and if you do, you’re ignorant) don’t understand because they never thought you that part of history.

Try to google nanjing massacre/rape and understand why the wound still doesn’t heal yet and why it’s still

This is why people hate Atheists, man.