
Is it an overreaction to burn the place down? Cause that was my first instinct.

BREAKING NEWS! He resigned! I clicked on the Salon link, then was reading the comments. In the comments, someone had a link to a petition to remove him. So I clicked on that to sign it to get rid of this sorry sorry excuse for a person, and at the bottom it said he had resigned. Here's the link to the

It's because it's totally dehumanizing. We usually use the term "female" to refer to animals, not human beings. It makes the fact of a person's femaleness more important that the fact of their humanity. It also lends a false air of objectivity and science to a lot of incredibly fucked-up ideas about how women

To The Husband Who Left Me For His Intern

Uh.... I just realized there was a kid there at the end.

Examples 'of staring in a sexual way':

Weird, from her video I assumed she was married to some kind of sentient spreadsheet.

I am totally going to drunk-watch this, and yell out everything she gets wrong (yes, I know, it'll be everything, but STILL).

This. This right here. She's a bit of fixer-upper, but she's in a NJ shore town within a stones throw of one of my favorite breweries. Historic home, with a (short) stone fence, 3 levels, and steam radiators. I can access the shore, NYC, and major highways with ease. 2 PORCHES!!! At last check, no one lives

Ok, so have you guys heard about the TINY HOUSE MOVEMENT? Here is an example:

I want very badly to live in a cob house.

I am in love with yurts, and I would love to have one in the middle of the desert.

If you really loved your family, you would have returned for the sequel. Damn you, George.

Never shared anything this personal before.

I've never understood how privileged people (white men seem particularly prone to this) can't accept that THEY DON'T GET TO CHOOSE WHAT'S OFFENSIVE TO THE OFFENDED PARTY!! Just because you didn't mean to be offensive doesn't mean you weren't offensive.

I felt like I was having a stroke while reading that. "Whether is Heather attempting suicide?" What??