
Excuse me. "victim" my arse.

Nicki Minaj got famous for her music, not for calling herself a Barbie.

Hmmm... could there be any other reason why black people didn't have jobs at NASA in 1969? A real head-scratcher, that one!

I kind of hate the attention she is getting, because people seem to look past the fact that she is severely mentally ill. According to her daughters, she has PTSD from her service. She deserves quality mental health care, something the VA isn't going to provide any time soon, not to be gawked at.

He originally thought Albinos were the master race. But then one gave him pink eye.

Oh my god, anti-choicers, GET A LIFE. (But only if you want to, when you want to)

Here we have Reg Park from 'Hercules And The Captive Women". Maybe not as popular as your Alan Steele or Steve Reeves, but how can you not include a movie that has a real line of dialogue "Today is dedicated to Uranus."?

Little tiny hooves! Bacon terrorizing cats! These gifs have it all!

All the claps for you. All of them.

I know, right? In my head, completely monotone: I am truly shocked by these developments.

Ha has, I loved it. But then that was more than 10 years ago and I live in Virginia, so I was hungry for queer spaces.

Okay, did anyone at Inquisitr or Jezebel read the actual study? Because the authors themselves don't even claim that thyme oil is more effective than ibuprofen. They say that "Reduction of pain severity was not statistically significant between the two medications, however it was significant for each drug compared

Being pregnant made me realize the importance of abortion access even more profoundly than before. Even though all my pregnancies have been welcomed (one was even specifically planned!), it is nevertheless an often uncomfortable, mental and physical takeover. Additionally, being a parent irrevocably changes your life

I don't care about her age, I just wish she'd find something new to do. The LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME I'M WILD AND SEXUAL is kinda tired after it's 30 year run.

Hey Bill O'Reilly? What's your stance on government-funded birth control, and comprehensive sex education in public schools? Access to womens' healthcare? Planned Parenthood?

Hmm. I see. And Beyonce is the problem.