Good afternoon Sean Lennon, progeny of John and Yoko. Do you have any opinions you’d like to share with us today? It…
Good afternoon Sean Lennon, progeny of John and Yoko. Do you have any opinions you’d like to share with us today? It…
“I’m a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order,”
That’s the one. That’s why literally every tenured professor, as well as every student, at Harvard is a bilingual undocumented queer woman of color, and White men are only allowed on the premises as security guards and footstools.
“judgmental, self-absorbed, and unreflective,” should be xoJane’s tagline.
I am sad at how easy it was for him to prove his point.
Pay fucking attention to the crimes being discussed in either instance.
The answer to your questions are:
Add making me side with Fox News to the reasons I hate Donald Trump.
Trans girls aren't young men. And, if they're going through any hormonal changes, it's probably the same ones your daughter would be going through, because we have modern medicine now that does such things. So, how about you either take a chill pill, or have the decency to own your transphobia. Don't hide behind your…
A “young woman” would not be using a shared bathroom with “young men” - a transgendered person would be using it with one (and only one) of those groups.
In an interview with E Online, Laverne Cox said that she’s working hard to transform herself into Frank-N-Furter,…
Death dolls and other momento mori are not uncommon artifact. They exist in multiple cultures world wide. It’s only in the weirdly puritanical modern western culture where death and mortality in general is considered such a taboo topic that people find such things “creepy”. People die. remembering the dead through…
Y’all need to get back to bringing Caitlyn Doughty around because the Death Fear around here strooong.
Asking for locks of hair is INCREDIBLY common when families lose a loved one. Much more than people realize, I think. But everyone is so afraid to talk about it...