
I call it "the Trump."

Gurl, you are working too hard at this.

"Depending on the designer, a British 10 might translate as an 8, a 6, or even a 4. And vintage clothes of that era were cut slim, intended to be worn with serious girdles, so take this into account. " The labels in her clothing are not necessarily British, they're vintage. Labeling has changed over the years. I've


Women of Earth: These men are now on the "No Sex Ever" List

It seems like less fuss to apply for a home loan.

Or let's not assume allowing an environment in which catcalling is encouraged will ensure that it will allow it to live in a vacuum that will never escalates to violence. Hint: it will and it does and let's, further, not derail by comparing traumas.

Is this flattery, Doree Lewak?

Uncanny Valley of the Dolls

Trailer Swift

Well, both points are true. you are being condescending to human oddities (you assume they will be exploited) AND you demonstrably haven't seen the show. But you like being outraged, so enjoy, cookie.

I've seen every season too. But not this one, 'cause no one has. So, just rest your outrage rockets until it comes out or don't watch. But don't patronize oddities or other women with your concerns about a soap opera that hasn't happened yet.

Have you seen the show? 'Cause I was up for a part and even I didn't get sides.

Ryan Murphy unfair to campy witches in surreal synechdoche!

We haven't seen it yet, so let's just wait and see how it plays out. I just resent the misconception about the display of the physically different and their ability to make career decisions for themselves.

You know, I'm a literally flaming liberal (I eat fire for a living) and having worked with human oddities, I can tell you that they are pretty much over your condescension. She's an adult with the faculty to consent to being displayed, so just take it easy on the exploitation pity. all, "Hey, that's my job!"

Even the Americans with Diabilities Act only makes "reasonable" accommodations. So, yeah, you can't be a blind bus driver, but, SURE you can be family planning nurse who doesn't believe in family planning. Swell.

If you ruin this for me, I will hurt you, Disney. I will wake up Walt's frozen corpse, slap it around and HURT YOU.

How very edgy and insightful of him. This is totally what comedy needs! (also, nope.)