
Um, she's not talking about just the Constitutions; she's talking about the Bill of Rights or AMENDMENTS. That is, CHANGES that were made to the original damn document. Cheese n crackers...

I'm Jewish and I want to go to doxie heaven.


Gah, stupid kid! At least still work with proper attribution. :)

His's like a glazed ham and a sack of shit had a baby.

There are matching earrings. My bff has the set.

Me. But my day job forces me to. Welcome to the glamorous world of fashion writing. Same with beauty where anything under 35 steps is an "easy-to-follow" routine in which genetics and money play no part!

Lighten up, Francis.

Well, I tuned in this morning (it's a form of self-torture admittedly) in time to hear Ms. McCarthy make so pretty anti-Semitic remarks of the "Jews are good with money" sort. Also pretty sure I heard the sound of Baba Wawa shitting a brick.

On the bright side, at 7 or so lbs. they're about at the ideal weight for a model these days.

Yes, you have really thoroughly shot the fish inside that barrel. But in other animal news, let's stop to consider the horse that Jezebel, Gawker, HuffPo, XOJane, etc., have in this proverbial horse race? Your profit model is largely based on NOT paying for writing, ergo a lot of the writing that makes up the bulk of

We're told as performers, ESPECIALLY AS WOMEN, that we're supposed to never show weakness. Clearly this is BS. We're human. She's copping to that and it's actually incredibly brave.

By calling her a hypocrite the implication is that one can't learn and grow. That you have to stay fixed in your vision or your opinions are worthless is no place to be as a thinker, performer or adult. I'm not even a fan of Sarah Silverman's and I appreciate her saying this as a woman and a performer. Remember a lot

True story: I let Amy Sedaris pull a sword from MY THROAT once. I pretty much trust her with everything.

It's from Bernie Dexter.

The typewritten equivalent of this is inserting LOL at random intervals. It tells the reader you're giggling mindlessly.

Awesome job, LA. Next round up all the guttersnipes, cattle rustlers, pocket dips, blind tigers and stage coach robbers! Must be nice to be so bored cleaning up crime you have to MAKE STUFF UP. Gotta go, my unicorn is double parked. Grrrr....

That's not dynamic, that's just swapping out one cliche for another. Not the same thing as fleshing out a character, e.g., Blanche is a sexual dynamo in widowhood, but genuinely loved her husband devotedly during their marriage, that's a character with more than one side and it's self realized. In fact, SATC character