The Lab

My concern would be about scratching, not breaking. I lived in some pretty shitty urban neighborhoods with plenty of bulletproof glass and that stuff scratched easily and became hazy. There is no plastic that does not scratch when it comes into contact with the type of sandy grit found in pockets, this included.

To me this looks like a ipod mini with a very exposed screen. Whatever it is made of, it will get scratched or broken with use. Looks nice in a photo but good design it is not. The only original part is the screen which is trouble.

and I would keep it on White is Hot mode all the time, showing why it is a good idea to include different modes for different people's preferences.

I noticed that too. I'm thinking it was a delayed response and they would be rolling on the ground soon enough.

This sounds exactly right. Even fully automated convoys will just be attacked once and then again when the clean-up crew arrives.

I have a number of friends currently working in Dubai and from their first-hand accounts it is abundantly clear that overseas workers are lured under false contracts and entered into what is essentially slavery. It is deplorable. It is documented.

Who do you think you are convincing with that aborted comment? As I have said to tal15man, I have a number of friends working over there and their treatment of south asians is nothing short of our slavery of Africans during our darkest hour.


The guy is right, while the US has problems, it isn't anything comparable to what is going on in Dubai.

What I didn't like is that those big companies pay far lower fees. It is terrible and will ultimately end eBay. Why would I sell there when I can't even compete on an even playing field with the big boys?

Haha, well played.

Apply for the CEO position at HP. They seem to go for that sort of thing from time to time.

That game had pretty great music.

Expensive is relative. If you have oodles of money, then this is nothing.

I'm with you on this 100%. The guy goes out of his way to point out the rubber bullets are real, yet fails to mention the vest? Bullshit. Just not cool. If he's fucking around, he should say so but pretending this is real when it isn't just kind of ruins it.

Stil don't like it. Just a waste of material without function. The chinese bird nest was a better design, magical yet functional. This is just design circlejerk.

Base looks like a Volcano vaporizer. Approved.

You managed to explain this whole "article" in two very short sentences. Bravo.

I got one of these and it makes a very high pitched ringing / buzzing noise. Really quite annoying and inexplicable, as it is just a surge protector.

As I said before, you simply cannot dismiss my citation from the primary literature with a reference to some "systematic review" and then fail to produce siad review.