The Lab

Listen, no one is reading this but you and me. You can either listen or not, it is up to you. Just ask yourself, if there is no benefit to reduced salt, why do so many doctors agree that cutting salt is important? Do you know something they don't? To me it seems that someone who is not an MD would be less informed

Incorrect. First I am only talking about healthy people, it is obvious that people with kidney disease need special diets.

Really you need to reread what I took the time to type. Salt reduction does save lives. It does so in a sub-population of people small enough that the effect is lost in the noise of the very difficult population studies. You have three choices: One, test people to see who needs salt reduction. Two, have everyone

Drivers run red lights, doesn't make sense to hate all drivers. Most cyclists aren't pricks, this guy was. Don't be prejudiced.

Actually 1/3 of people have a genetic predisposition to develop high blood pressure due to salt exposure. This gets lost on a population level as you say. However there is no way to tell who will respond well to a low salt diet so the general recommendation is that everyone lower salt. This does waste the time of 2/3

Diplomacy appreciated.


You experience was anecdotal. Look at the evidence. People loved this phone, and for good reason. It was amazing at the time.

That Ross did look pretty nice. And the bargains!

The fiberglass will be cast and then precision milled. It will be nice.

The promote button isn't working so I'm replying to promote. Did I lose my star again?

Buy knockoff cables from shady websites. No one buys those cables full price, right?

How long are your thumbs? The 3.5" screen makes it possible to operate the phone with one hand using only your thumb. A 4" screen is nice, but you lose that ability. That said, I'd trade more screen for less thumb access.

People living in California consider themselves Californian, but they also see themselves as US citizens and americans. Likewise the same is true for the Mexican who you invoked in your broken example. That you mistakenly assume I live in the US shows who the "ill-informed holier-than-thou United Statesian" is in this

Knowing the name of the country you are living in is important. This is an important and common mistake that needs to be corrected an embarrassment, especially when speaking with people from outside the USA who consider themselves americans. Ignorant people who defend their clearly incorrect points make me want to

Your argument sounds like it makes sense until you speak with someone outside the USA who considers themselves american. Your argument isn't correct just because many other people make the same stupid mistake.

Joel Johnson kind of lost his shit a while back, admittedly, but when he is writing well, he is the best writer this website has had. By a long shot. He is what got me reading this site years ago.

It is made in America. North and South America are together America. North America is composed of 23 countries, including the USA. I assume you meant USA. It is not made in the USA due to economics. Perhaps it will be made in the USA once unemployment rises and wages fall to the levels seen in other countries. Then we

No. Nuclei decay is not accelerated by fire or incineration.