The Lab

Simple. The cheapest way of negating the pollution is preventing it. Switch to low sulfur diesel and require ships entering US ports to prove their emissions were scrubbed. I'm not a huge CO2 credits guy but there is more in that exhaust than just CO2.


That's the point, we shouldn't be getting 11,000 shipping containers from China. By not factoring in the devastating environmental impact into the shipping costs, the price to ship is artificially low. If the cost of restoring the environment were included in costs, we could afford to produce more locally.

Regardless of how different these engines are from regular two-stroke engines, they pollute a lot, which is the point here.

Agreed that research papers being behind paywalls is not a big problem. What I take umbrage with is what appears to be the general sentiment that social justice isn't an admirable goal. You seem to then couple it with some notion that the free market is somehow a sensical alternative.

It is kind of pathetic that you suggest the only people who should consider fighting injustice are the oppressed people themselves. I hope you are young...

Two stroke? Well that explains it. Two stroke engines are very powerful but also very polluting which is why we don't use them in cars and motorcycles any more. This engine also likely uses "bunker fuel" which is really unclean. Put together, this is an environmental monster. I wish I could fond the source for this

I think there is a time and a place for both humor and introspection on the internet. There isn't space for someone trying to dictate how someone else should respond. I'm going with the "tired" joke here. Apparently you have to TREAD lightly around here.

While that is true in principle, try using a Geiger counter to detect Tritium, a beta emitter. Won't work. Try using it to detect radioactive phosphorus, an alpha emitter. It will work. I can assure you of this, having worked with both.

Radioactive cesium and iodine, the isotopes that are the center of the concern at Fukushima, emit beta particles. Geiger counters do not detect beta particles. This will only work for alpha emitting radionucleotides.

I get what you are saying, I work as a scientist when I could make 4X as much as a consultant because I love what I do. Technical theater as similar problem solving challenges and variety.

It doesn't change anything if he paints black lines all day and glues lenses or if he just paints black lines. I the end, he is performing uncreative, repetitive work that requires no thought and a steady hand.

Yeah, I met that guy. He does seem to like his phone.

My interpretation is that they enjoyed their work because their employers valued THEM and treated them well. If a worker works in a lousy environment but makes a nice product, that worker will be unhappy. If a worker has a great job but makes a shitty product, that worker will be happy. To say that the happiness is

There is actually strong evidence that workers who work for the "best of the best" actually get paid less for the privilege of working there. You can prove it to yourself by using one of those salary finding websites that allows you to compare salaries for equivalent jobs. I used to work for the best biotech. Using

The cracked article is funny, although it leaves out some pretty obvious points. Like vaporizing pot or eating it gets around the whole "smoke" thing. But that would make their article less funny.

I disagree. It doesn't matter what the company is actually making to the worker. If you are painting a black line on a widget, it doesn't matter if that widget is the best or not. You are a worker, you show up, do your job, get paid and you go home. The product is not involved.

The guy who paints the black ring on the edge of lens after lens all day every day is skilled? Really? Anyone could learn that in 5 minutes. And then repeat it forever.

This is a promotional video but the people in the factories look both real and happy. I've watched many How Its Made videos and those people are depressed and beat down. Must be a Germany thing.

I've run my own Craigslist experiment (it was successful, I met my wife there). I've also run real experiments in a lab. Making three measurements is not an experiment. The same post can garner a huge range of responses, from none to many, depending on a variety of factors. To make conclusions based on the results of