The Lab

My wife and I met on Craigslist. She has a JD and I have a PhD, both from Ivy league schools. We are also most likely better looking than you. It is hardly a slum if you can read with active filtering. It seems like you are making the foolish generalizations.

You might want to rewrite that last post. You say that people who use recreational pot are stoners and have a "negative connotation" but you reserve the label "alcoholics" only for people who abuse alcohol.

No. Almost every country besides the US and Europe allows humans to just buy whatever antibiotic they want over the counter and not follow the required dosing protocol. Livestock is not a significant contribution to the problem.

"two diet sodas a day caused"

These look confortable and I wish there were a way to wear them without looking like some star-trek redshirt from the planet weed but really these are pretty damn nerdy.

What you think is your body is really a mutualistic relationship between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, mostly prokaryotes. There are ten prokaryotic bacterial cells for every eukaryotic "human" cell.

Here is a general rule to use when evaluating a design item: imagine how it would look in a real home. Sure it looks great in a sparse, brightly lit room with stark white walls but you know what else looks good in that room? Everything.

Some men just want to watch the world burn in carefully choreographed colorful explosions.

Also you used this insult twice

You should know some facts. Israelis kill 10X more Palestinians than vice versa so who's attacking whom? The Israelis continue to take over more Palestinian land under the auspices of "defense" when Palestinians offer no real threat. All of this is in sever violation of Geneva peace treaties.

So I take it you haven't heard of the evangelical Christians. Oh and take a look at what Israel is doing to Palestine.

The sound cuts out on the video and it isn't clear what is going on or when the gen actually shoots. For a tech blog what talks about photog and video so much, I kinda expected more.

This some of the most ignorant, racist shit I've read all day and I've read YOUTUBE COMMENTS. Seriously guy, remember that there are extremist christians as well as extremist muslims and neither group is a significant percentage of either population.

Remember that Motorola had an uncomfortable transition period between the RAZR and the Droid during which everyone said terrible things about their prospects. This could easily be a similar situation. Or it could be like Palm. Either way, people are talking with all together too much certainty about what is an

It.. isn't that hard to read.

It is for massive weight gain so yeah, pretty uncomfortable.

In our lab we give mice diabetes just by switching the water to Sprite. That's all we need to do. Mice are pretty different than humans but that's all it took to make me avoid non-diet soda.

There is a very popular diet called GOMAD which stands for Gallon of Milk a Day. I kind of keep an eye on that topic as it pops up in conversation on fitness boards. Apparently there are some nasty health side effects.

" a much more privatized future for the U.S. military."

I sort of just kind of hate everyone who has a strong opinion about this. Buy what you want, move on.