The Lab

This seems pretty extreme, then I noticed that Rabbi Blowtorch there appears to be blowtorching the inside of an oven. Does he know how those things work?

I'm not sure how this article can fail to mention that you can replace your macbook pro's optical drive with a SSD, thereby allowing you to increase both speed and storage. You can find the kits on eBay or send it in to be done.

Both aluminum and sodium hydroxide are extremely energy intensive to produce, so this is not the green energy solution we are looking for.

Perhaps they didn't want to be photographed because they knew their photos would go into hyperbolic articles that criticize photography in public spaces? Watch the news video. There is nothing weird going on. They take pictures of women and children? Of course they do! No one wants to look at pictures of old men.

You kind of come off as a jerk here. She got raped, not her fault.

I can't seem to promote a comment without commenting so... yeah this comment is good.

Interesting points.

There sure a lot of people here willing to voice support for a company's right to not do anything to discourage date rape.

I assume this is some allusion to the barbarous human nature. May I point you towards the hummingbird? Sweet animals right? Wrong. They guard entire trees as their territory, trees with more nectar than they can eat in ten lifetimes. What happens when another hummingbird comes near? They spear each other to

People over-emphasize smart and under-appreciate hard working. Many ivy league kids are smart but are distinguished by their effort. Also, this is really an issue of situational awareness, a skill unrelated to either trait.

Those are tactical pillows.

Haha, eat a bagodicks you sarcastic twit.

What would actually be helpful here is a list of the things the test can tell you with any certainty. I know you can't currently predict heart disease with genetics. I am pretty sure that certain mutations very significantly predispose you to cancer. I'm pretty sure most of these results aren't relevant to people

It is doing 23andme a great favor to repeat their contention that something that costs $108 is free. Let's make that title accurate please.

If the point of this post is the video, why is the video in such a tiny, tiny box? To watch this, you have to navigate away from Giz to YouTube. It is like this layout it purposely designed to drive people off this site.

Your BMI is 25.8 which puts you in the second of five levels of overweight. Prescription: get taller.

So what am I supposed to be doing with this broken egg now?

On a boat that's not uncommon. I've approached my dive boat wearing scuba gear when the propeller was sticking out of the water at a near 30 degree angle. Point the boat directly at the wave and you'll be fine. 90% of the time.

Haha, yeah quiet-close toilets are totally a first world problem.

His plan only works if he has ample time to get into the boat and navigate into deep enough water. He apparently had that time. Other people likely tried but got the warning too late and ended up getting washed inland where the boat was then capsized and flooded by rising waters.