The Lab

Posts like this normally elicit a response where people say "if you don't like it just leave". I think it is interesting that everyone so far supports your point of view. I used to really enjoy old Gizmodo and the new site does seem to be lacking whatever it was that made the old site work. They now lift a lot of

This post is a little misleading because it talks about one aspect of the wave, its 20 meter height or amplitude, without mentioning the wave's frequency/wavelength.

Yeah, no. First world problems are when you are upset that your new OS update slows down your new laptop. This is not a trivial problem as that phrase suggests, it is a big fucking deal.

6,000 and 10,000 will kill you slowly. 30,000 will kill you faster, within 2-3 weeks. A radiation death that takes more than 3 weeks seems awful.

So I am a radiation trained scientist and I agree. While in theory I can say what is safe or not, that prediction is only as good as the data it is based on. Right now, the JPN government is not being that open and some of the detectors have been giving conflicting results.

Lost me at "stylus".

Rebel pilots, like from that historical story, Star Wars?

So the rebels may have stolen jets? Awesome. I hear they are pretty easy to learn how to fly, as seen in the documentary movie Battlefield Earth.

Agreed, there has been a large uptick in non-gadget news here lately.

I think it is pretty awesome that you listened to this feedback and incorporated it into the article. I wish everyone were as willing to see their post as a living document and their readers as editors.

The reason people don't respect your viewpoint on the NYT is because the NYT is factually very accurate. Sure some people say there is bias here and there but when the report a quote, they have had that fact-checked and it is as believable as it gets. Fox news, on the other hand, is an entirely different beast both

I hope you read the follow up article where they mentioned the plant was giving out radiation equivalent to 40 CT scans an hour. Also read the physician who mentions a CT scan is a significant amount of radiation. Also note that getting a lot of radiation at once is much, much worse than getting the same amount

Full on radiation sickness doesn't come about from a few CT scans. This is a whole other level of exposure. I don't know how much (perhaps no one does) but the fact that workers are showing signs of full-blown radiation sickness means that these estimates above are clearly too low.

I enjoyed reading his newest Salon article "Why I Am Worried About My Academic Job Prospects".

Well obviously something is wrong with your assessment as there have been reports of workers with radiation sickness:

"The quake-damaged Fukushima nuke facility will vent its air containment vessels, as pressure levels have risen dangerously. The air may contain dangerous radiation"

It is a lovely piece of work, really. I think the "science" tie-in is a little weak though. I mean, how is this a representation of an earthquake any more than any vaguely circular undulating form? I think she created something nice but it seems like do to what is, at best, a passing similarity she tried to tie

I think we're getting somewhere here. I think I liked this piece better when it was just awesome looking. To say it mimics a earthquake or a water droplet or any of the other million things it looks like actually restricts the many interpretations to a single one. Then the title referring to the length of the day

Hmm, my take on abstract art is that it is nothing without the explanation. Take Noland's color fields for example. Looking at it without any context and they are really unappealing, show no craftsmanship, and are indistinguishable from what anyone else might do while warming up before engaging in real painting.

What make and model is a $100 bike? I'm curious what one looks like.