The Lab

What I am saying is this: Maybe this earthquake did inspire this particular artist. However, looking at artists GENERALLY, most pieces have some convoluted story behind them. Being an artist myself and knowing many, I am well aware that you sell the story, not the piece so we make up things. This particular artist

That's not really what I'm getting at here.

To be fair, every single country except Japan is seeing the same growth in obesity, it is just that the US started first and is therefore achieving obesity first. Likewise, to suggest that the issue is "overindulgence" overlooks the role poverty plays in food choice. You can eat healthy for cheap. But it is very

It is too bad an artist can't just make a giant woven structure, hang it in the air, and say "doesn't that look cool?". Instead we get this explanation about the day length and yada yada yada. You made an awesome dreamcatcher lady, let's not make it more than it is.

Yes, this.

Not all fat people overindulge. In fact, fat people often burn more calories carrying a large body around than skinny people do exercising. Your post is still oversimplifying. Some people are just wired to be fat of off normal diets with exercise.

Yes, for the majority. You could say the majority of criminals are black but the minute you assume a specific person is a criminal just because they are black, that is racist. I'm just pointing out that people here are being "fatist" by not recognizing there are a good number of fat people that do not 'overindulge'

I've thought about this. It is illegal to just dump a body on public land so you'd have to have an agreement with a private property owner who doesn't mind having their slice of wilderness become a body dumping ground. Do you know of such a place?

I'm trying to make sense of this post like the rest of you here. Perhaps what they mean is that the eventual goal is resolution independence. When the resolution of the MBP jumps, developers can either rewrite their app in a resolution-independent format or just quadruple the pixel count until they have time to

There seem to be a lot of comments suggesting being overweight is just a matter of self control. Surely for some people that is true. However one's weight depends on many factors. If you know a Samoan, you know genetics is a factor. The composition of your intestinal flora dramatically affects how much and what

There is a pretty good argument that the composition of your intestinal flora (bacteria) significantly impacts the amount of calories and nutrients you can get out of food. Therefore, a 1000 calorie meal may actually be a 1200 calorie meal to some people and a 800 calorie meal to others. Also, there is a

Pretty neat. I think the fly zygotes were genetically altered to express a combination of three or more different fluorescent proteins. The combination can produce different colors. Which proteins they express depends on the neuron's differentiation lineage. I may have all of this wrong.

This happened two weeks ago. I think it is safe to say the thread is dead. Your opinions on the matter are noted in my ledger.

I clicked on the link to see the rest of the story, but that's it? Two sentences?

I mean, it is a semantics issue. To get back to the root of the issue, a technology like NFC isn't inherently good or bad, it is the application of the technology that can be bad. I think most of these are pretty bad applications, but there are good ones too.

To be serious for a moment, it is difficult to distinguish technology from an application of technology. RFID is an application of radio frequency communication and chip technologies, both of which are crucial. Gunpowder is an application of a chemical reaction between.. some stuff that is not found in rockets. We

Gah, is not updating for me. Blasted redesign...

@stavosws6: It what you said was true, it would also debunk all those pre-release devices spotted by shaky hand photogs.

@Mark 2000: "worst technogy ever created"? Really? I'd go with gunpowder.

Yeah, totally different types of afflictions. I'm just trying to raise awareness of the distinction. Most people get it backward.