The Lab

Again, you are telling me that my argument won't convince anyone.... by making an argument of your own? How is it that everyone who gives the advice not to give advice fails to see this hypocrisy?

I can't help but point out the hypocrisy here. I point out a legitimate mistake, and you tell me to let it slide? However you can point out a mistake I made and you don't need to "let it slide". Furthermore, I'm not even wrong!

I can't help but point out the hypocrisy here. I point out a legitimate mistake, and you tell me to let it slide? Oh but you can point out a mistake I made and you don't need to "let it slide". Furthermore, I'm not even wrong!

You meant OCPD, not OCD

Suppose you have a 2x2 grid of sensors. The threshold to fire is 2 photons. Without the mirror, two sensors see two photons, the other two sensors see one. The camera generates an image with two pixels. Now you install the mirror. Two sensors see one photon, two sensors see none. The camera registers no pixels.

Welcome to America, here is your Big Gulp cup. Refills are $1.99.

I think we actually agree. I think Apple would like to offer a cheaper product ($60 matters) rather than include a feature that, as you say "the average joe just doesn't care. " about.

Yeah, that's right. It is terribly overpriced. All these people must not be as good at basic math as palmerkun. Thank goodness you are here to set us straight.

You can't really because the sensor has to have some way of differentiating between a pixel that was hit by light and one that wasn't. If the light is reflected away, it can't tell which pixel it would have hit.

While none of us know for sure, it was probably just to keep costs down. The high resolution screens are significantly more expensive, which is fine for a very luxurious, very expensive (for what it is) Air. The Pro is already expensive, so some cuts are needed to keep it competitive with other offerings.

Double post, sorry!

Increases the shutter speed because the camera no longer needs to wait for the mirror to move.

Increases the shutter speed because the camera no longer needs to wait for the mirror to move.

I'm not sure if this is supposed to be funny or constructive, which is a good sign that it is neither.

@animeman59: So your equivalent machine is 800 less, minus the cost of Win 7 Ultimate which is $180 on NewEgg so $620 less overall.

Step One: Cut some holes in a chip

Oh, this isn't news worthy. This website has made some interesting decisions lately about what to cover.

@jPizza56: No bezel means fingers obscure screen. As an iphone owner, I can't stand staring at my own damn fingers all the time.

@ikaiyoo: In fact, it was only really popular with the "tech savvy" over 40 set who wanted to show they were up on "social media".

@KamWrex: I think that what you say is true, liberals are more likely to cry foul than conservatives when it is a protected class. I think that makes sense because a protected class is protected PRECISELY because it is disempowered and crying foul is the only course of action to get justice. If someone says