The Lab

I'm going to trst what the guy with the "deciBels" username says.

I like the upgrade, however the title is misleading. Doubling the bit rate won't double the perceived quality of the recording. An image in 32 bit color isn't twice as good looking as a 16 bit image. Same for sound.

Looks great in render, greasy in real life (esp with pizza present).

I already explained how you took "you're an idiot" out of context. To repeat, I think it is reasonable to assume that I was calling him in idiot IN THE CONTEXT OF THIS POST and not making some global judgement on his person. It is equivalent to saying "you are being an idiot", which is really generally considered on

Listen, people get destarred for rocking the boat. You complain too much about the site design or a specific editor, that's destarring. You can't intimidate me into being nicer by using the looming spectre of destarring to worry me, I've been here too long for that. Besides, it is just a star on a website.

@talkingstove: I think it is reasonable for a customer to expect 1080p playback from a device after seeing 1080p playback on the box. I don't think a customer would reasonably assume that an ipad was actually "magic" even if described that way. Big difference.

The tshirt around his abs looks really strange. There is no way it should drape like that. All the little "puckers" seem too evenly placed. I don't want to be the guy who calls fake on an internet photo but seriously, this one is a joke.

His statement is idiotic. Perhaps John44 is an intelligent and we-meaning guy who made an unfortunate assessment. Or perhaps this idiotic statement is par for John44. I suppose I could dig through his comment history and figure this out. Or my comment could be taken in reasonable context: he was saying idiotic

This is true, however some people don't have a lot of money but don't want to own last year's gear. Seems odd to me too, but i bet it moves phones.

It is the internet, lighten up.

@MACaroni: One high-end phone to lead the market, one stripped down phone that is free with contract. Next question...

@John44: You are an idiot. The Apple bumper is overpriced, but less so than any other case. Can you name ONE that is cheaper and uses three materials? The bumper is plastic, rubber and metal. Don't hate on it just because it is Apple.

Never should have hired Michael Scott as manager.

@NorthernRoamer: Hahaha yeah it is amazing they are still around, considering they account for OVER 50% of Canadian web traffic at some points during the day. Christ.

@intrepidgeek: Not to be a stickler myself but some style manuals say you can use "an" before a word that begins with a vowel sound, not just a vowel.

Please let the keyboard have some sort of d-pad functionality. I enjoy iphone games but not covering up the screen with my fat, fat fingers.

The biggest store will get the best quality and selection of apps. Second biggest, second best. If you are fifth tier, that is pretty far behind. By the time you catch up, the leaders will be in a whole new ballgame.

That's a pretty iffy analysis. First off, we are talking about margins, not price. Second of all, we need to watch the price of a handset over time. As commoditizaiton (sp) occurs, the price will still start off high but then drop sooner as a new competitor arrives.

@RoboZombie: Yes you are correct. Velcro is from 2007.