The Lab

Yeah, history doesn't really side with you here. Almost every good app comes to the bigger OS first. Name a couple good apps unique to a small app market. They really don't exist. I don't want to be stuck using someone's bargin bin yelp clone. No one does.

A three horse race will benefit consumers most of all. This is good news. It is a smart move as well. What, another app store? After iOS, android, webOS, and M$? A FIFTH tier app store? No way, no developers left. Buying webOS would have been good, but that ship sailed. Only smart move remaining. Good luck

@rdelfin: I'll take this one. Mobile phone companies can make money via the handset or the OS. If the handset space becomes commoditized, then profits become razor thin, that is by definition of commodity.

It looks like it is made of wax. That said, I heartily support the idea.

Hilarious. +1

"a camera that's better and a body that's than any other phone currently available. "

I think the good metric here is how long it takes a new, good app to migrate from the platform it was introduced (usually iOS) to other platforms. I know android users wait for some cool apps to get to their platform. That wait sucks.

I have read Gizmodo every day for over two years and I cannot figure out this new layout. Is anyone else now seeing multiple stories in the column on the left as well as the smaller right column upon loading the website? Does scrolling on the right go superfuckingfast so it is easy to lose your place? I'd put this

Haha, what? Seriously if they lose the right to defend the trademark that is seriously damaging to the brand.

A bold move, making fun of someone else's web design. From what I've read in the comments here, looks like a pot-kettle situation.

There is a legal reason here. It would be damaging if it can be shown Apple was aware of a product that bore a significant likeness and/or name to an Apple product and it can also be shown that they chose not to pursue legal action. If those two things can be shown, it will weaken subsequent cases. Suppose there is

Did I just have to click a link to see the comments? I think I did. The comments are the best thing Giz has going. This new layout seems to de-prioritize them. Perhaps I'll get used to this but it doesn't look good so far...

HOW DID YOU KNOW MY ROUTER IP ADDRESS? Ok that's it boys, burn it all. We've been compromised.

"land on the moon on its fins"? That would have been amazing, had it worked.

Oh I hope they just put it out of business. As a liberal, I can't stand it. It has all of the inaccuracies of the right plus the trashiness of a tabloid. NO thanks.

@im2fools: Ironically, in some lines of medical research it is very important to be there every day. The rule is that you are either in the hospital for research or you're checked in as a patient. The team just needs you to be there.

@Purple Dave: Having read this entire exchange, it makes sense to me that the best answer to the question of how much it would cost to fix is a sum of these items: the cost of additional inspection (the plane may be inspected regularly but this may require a more specialized inspection), cost of labor to repair, and

Haha oh man, I was all ready for this to be some awesome new idea. Bouncing bubbles. You got me this time, next time I'll be ready. Nice $90 t shirt.