The Lab

@qingdom: I think all of the above apply to this hack job. Well, maybe not "microsoft".

I'm looking for a word here, it means "the opposite of elegant".

So we are sticking with this "money shot" title thing then.... great.

@Curves: Ah parents, all the same.

@petecuba: My thoughts exactly. In for 1.

@ProudGeek: It is actually only 2 years of classroom study to get an MD. Then you are an intern and on the wards.

@thenail: Haha, totally. Gizmodo is like the negative control in an experiment.

That Panasonic for $500 looks like a great price for a good panel. Anyone know of a better deal? Will be pulling the trigger in a couple hours on this.

@One_for_each_of_you: You should hear how doctors present patients. Very technical. Never use a word when you can use a latin word or acronym.

@thebluediablo: I'm glad I asked. I had a serious head scratching moment there. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

So well written. For how different his experience in life has been, the thoughts he described are very relatable. It makes me imagine that I might have responded similarly if subjected to the same abuse. I give him credit for trying for so many years and further credit for realizing his own limitations. It sounds

@thebluediablo: I looked at a couple reviews there of a Sony TV and the model numbers weren't coming up with much in Google. Are Sony model numbers different in the UK?

Wait, what? When did a phone get to claim it was as thick as it's THINNEST point? If that were the case, you could just file one edge down to a knife point and claim to have a phone just mere atoms thick.

Anyone want to recommend a trustworthy TV review site?

Were I less tired, I'd multiply the power output by the time to get the overall energy this battery has put out. Then I'd ballpark estimate the size of the device and calculate the potential power it could generate. My guess would be the former is much larger than the latter, even with generous estimates. That

@rnoyfb: I suppose this all boils down to what you define "forced" as. I think when the current world superpower comes over and demands it be able to write copyright law or else suffer severe economic consequences, that to me is forcing. It looks like Spain didn't adopt that particular amendment but there are