The Lab

@FlameCell: I know, right? I just couldn't even bear to continue the conversation with her. Where do you start to explain how crazy that is?

@FlameCell: Seriously. I was talking to a good friend the other day, nice bright person. She was convinced she was allergic to corn because a doctor had her hold a sealed glass jar of corn and then pushed down on her arm and said it felt weaker. That type of thing shouldn't happen in the 20th / 21st century.

@rnoyfb: How do you think the articles I linked to do not support the idea that the US basically wrote the copyright laws for foreign nations? That is what the title is for chrissakes. Seriously, what would prove something to you?

@FlameCell: I can't speak to the education in other countries. I am familiar with the USA. The USA needs more science education to avoid this type of thing in general. Whether this thing in particular was more popular abroad is kind of outside my point.

@rnoyfb: I have no idea what you are getting at here. I cited data published by wikileaks that shows the US forces other governments to adopt more restrictive copyright laws. Then I provided links to prove it. Do you dispute this?

@minibeardeath: He did say "you really must not be following it at all" which I take to be an attack at the credibility of the source, rather than a dispute of the contents. That is an ad hominem attack and trolling.

@Matthew Kidd: RTFA. Wikileaks exposed incontrovertible evidence that the US pressures other countries to adopt copyright laws that conform to the restrictive US model. That is a fact, unless you don't believe wikileaks is real.

@rnoyfb: I think it is pretty out of line to completely misread my post, accuse me of "not following [wikileaks] at all", and then put forth a statement about copyright law that has been clearly shown to be wrong by the very wikileaks releases you accused me of now knowing.

May I use this as an opportunity to promote greater investment in science education for all americans?

@minibeardeath: This is very true. The wikileaks have provided much evidence of the strong-arm tactics the US uses to enforce strict copyright laws.

@Settings: A non-idiot can occasionally make an idiotic comment. It is fair (although not polite) to call a comment idiotic but when you call someone an idiot, that is where it goes into an ad hominem attack. That should be ban worthy but is rarely enforced (likely due to the sheer volume of such comments).

@Settings: Read it again, he clearly said "idiot post above". That is not an ad hominem or personal attack. Don't go call the teacher over, everything is going to be OK. Also, the sarcasm tag rarely works, it is best to not even try sarcasm on the internet.

@CMYKfellow: Two issues, one is the use of "fixie-type". The second was an issue of tone. We can close both cases, I just wanted to be sure the message got across.

@CMYKfellow: I think you are attempting to be snarky but it comes across as dickish. Reconsider.

@StupidPopMediaReference: I find even basic bike parts to be really expensive so even doing the labor myself tends to add up. I used to use this website where I could find anomalously cheap parts but they went under a while ago. Any tips on finding cheap gear?

@james-42: It doesn't take much speed to cause head damage. Really riding anything with wheels should be done with a helmet. One of the nastiest bails I've had was slow speed turn on dry pavement where the front wheel just... slipped. I lowsided and broke my elbow. I was lucky I didn't hit my head, could have been

@CMYKfellow: If it has multiple gears, it is not a fixie or single speed. No idea what you mean by "fixie-type" as it either has multiple gears or it doesn't.

@Dusty Duster: If a planet didn't have an axial tilt, the planet wouldn't have seasons. However it would have different climates. The equator would be hotter than the poles due to angle of inclement light.