The Lab

When more than half the posts are pointing out something obvious about how the product sucks and the other half have clued-in on the fact that this is likely a sponsored post not marked as such, this has to be a sign Giz. The readers here aren't that stupid. Let's keep the ads as ads and the articles as articles.

@njdevil spinky spank: I can attest to how long you've been a reader as I've been here a while too. I agree completely. Just not cool.

@Lexenerous Mexredorous: I've been considering a Pro account on Flickr or Picasa. I like Flickr better but worry about Yahoo. Leaning towards Picasa, especially as it may see more integration with the other google products I use.

@sfhock1: Ah, the fundamental flaw in spell check. Thanks.

Each one of these phones seems to violate a central tenant of functional industrial design. #1: unnecessary "rough" decoration. #2: solving a problem that doesn't exist. #3 no screen and constant accidental pushing of buttons?

@jepzilla: He seems like a smart guy, smart enough to know Osama wrote a letter that was published in the UK Guardian but no US paper where he outlined exactly why 9/11 occurred. I don't like Osama, but I think we get cleared talk from him than our own leaders. Read the letter.

@grimjack28: Off topic, but you mentioned dialysis and I just went to a health policy talk on dialysis and was surprised to learn that it alone is responsible for 1% of OVERALL government spending. Amazing.

I bought the one for the iphone. Was a lot of tapping on an image trying to find the tiny part that was interactive. Maybe this was more fun when I was younger and there were fewer options for entertainment but it kind of tried my patience.

@Dr. What?: Oh I'm a research scientist and couldn't agree more about not cutting research. Sadly, if you look at military spending, very little is actually research. Look at Israel, more cutting edge than us but for much less cost.

@B_Ren: Military hardware in general is expensive. Probably because ex-military get hired into lucrative positions at firms that sell military hardware. There is no incentive for the military to cut costs because they get a slice of sales when they leave. Our military budget doesn't need to be greater than the sum

@Dr. What?: I think that is relevant, but not more relevant. The idea is you want something dead, right now, but it is far away. You have options, cruise missile, predator, or plane. They all have very different cost structures, so it is difficult to make a good comparison. At least you don't have to pay health

@Go Vols!: A single cruise missile costs well over a million dollars and they can only be used once. By comparison, the predator is a bargain. By comparison, everything else is a bargain.

@Dr-Rockso: +1 for unexpected Fallout reference, heartclick for Aquateen avatar.

@kaffenated: I responded so that no one would be mislead into thinking that a thermometer wasn't a basic, necessary, and useful part of the kitchen. Given the amount of support I've provided (reason and citations in prominent publications), this isn't a matter of two people differing in opinion. There is simply a

@kaffenated: I just dislike people who are admittedly not knowledgeable on a subject and then make proclamations like "a good cook doesn't even need a thermometer... it is all about experience, internal timing, and visual cues. " To not listen to people who actually do know cooking, that takes it to another level.

"How to Lose 20 Pounds in 30 Days Without Exercise"

@kaffenated: Skepticism has its place, but only between peers. I am an avid cook who relies on two different multiprobe electronic meat thermometers. I also teach cooking to disadvantaged parents. I also am a scientist who uses heat to denature protein all the time (basically what happens during cooking meat). I

@kaffenated: Cookbooks are a good source of inspiration for cooks of any level. Talented cooks should be experimenting and a recipe gives some guidelines you can base your improvisation off of. Finally there are some cheap hacks for cooking meat where you can check doneness by rigidity. However it is a cheap hack