The Lab

@Anticrawl: I watched The Abyss over and over on HBO as a kid and it was good. Good cast, nice pacing, excellent staging and effects. To say it was a "steaming pile" is just not correct.

@Anticrawl: The Abyss got a 88% on the tomatometer. Stop being a hater.

@sweetelectro: this is not a good comment. he is complaining that an amazing app with lots of original art and gameplay is a dollar. a single dollar. what _would_ make this guy happy, them playing him to play their game. this guy is being unreasonable to expect this for free.

"Sony... they need to focus on their true fanbase: The hardcore fans."

This is why I left Verizon. The service was great but I just can't be a generation behind on handsets.

I forget my cufflinks regularly and binder clips work great... in a pinch.

@Justin: That looks way better than the one in the post.

I'd imagine the first round of games will be uneven at best. However once studios get some time in with the device this looks like it could be awesome.

@Cromwell: If you think about it, this page right here looks similar. Square avatar picks on the left, comments to the right. Mostly empty space. The design is pretty ubiquitous at this point.

@ps61318: Commenter ps61318 otherwise known as Lil' Wayne.

@FooFighting: The day you can take professional pictures without expensive gear will be about 30 days after I finally pony up for expensive gear.

What I learned from reading these comments: lots of people photograph propellers with camera phones.

@strider2: I'm pretty sure that's how we all entered the world so it might work.

@Alduron: Expanding on an idea is fine. Saying that if you personally had done this, you would have made it more awesome comes across as d-bag talk.

With that amount of money, I'd keep the office / bedroom with the view, that part is really nice. I would ditch the rest. Replace it with a nice kitchen and a rooftop deck with an infinity pool and a bar.

@ddhboy: Are you suggesting rich people do not read Giz? Are they uninterested in technology or are they reading some exclusive rich people only tech website?