The Lab

@hercules_100_98: His phrasing and pacing are good, that voice and the nerd-laugh is straight geek.

A little too stalker-y for my tastes.

Normally I am excited when two things I love are combined.

@talkingstove: App store. No one wants to develop a new one.

@MifuneT: Iacoca had good operational leadership but in the end, they made cars before and after. Jobs does a reasonable job of operational leadership but he also has directional leadership that has positioned Apple very well, not too far ahead of the curve but still the leader in defining markets. The successes he

@MifuneT: I think it is pretty clear there would be no Apple without Jobs so everyone there probably feels, rightly so, that they owe their job directly to Jobs. No other CEO proved his worth like Jobs has.

Updates to the non-touch iPods? I bet they still sell well and will get updated but I have a hard time imagining them updated. Would you even want FaceTime on an iPod classic with that funny wheel?

Why use a whiteboard and not just write this as an email? Oh right, then no one could see how cute she was. She's cute, but the vanity I could do without.

@astrocramp: I'm pretty chill about most things but this is just outright homophobia and I take a stand at that point. Free speech doesn't mean making every mean crack you can think of.

@Tycho Vhargon: I've disagreed with Gizmodo writers on a few occasions, calling them out on some poor choices and as long as you do it respectfully (i.e. call the comment tasteless but don't call the author herself tasteless) then everything is fine.

"Leave it to the "nice guy" flight attendant to marry his fag hag."

@Curves: Agreed. Totally tasteless and unnecessary.

If someone wants to ride a nice looking, low maintenance fixed gear bicycle and enjoy a delicious adult beverage, I don't call them a "fucking hipster", I call them fucking awesome. It is summer, enjoy it.

@jonnyversusrobots: I think the prefix has already been reserved for fucking haters.

@Belgand: Well this is an excellent reason not to rely on anecdotal information and instead look at actual statistical data. Vinyl buyers are an insignificant part of the market monetarily and online sales are huge and growing rapidly.

No plastic, except the plastic cap so might as well use a BPA free nalgene for 1/4 the cost.

@Odin: oh I get what you are saying, I just never thought I'd see those words next to each other in any context.

@Zubieta: Well it is probably something like xylenes which are pretty unhealthy so the government stepped in and banned it. Sharpie just changed the formula and hoped no one noticed. That is speculation but it makes the most sense .