The Lab

@CaptainJack: Seconded. That guy has no taste. Except the all aluminum car, that was sweet.

@Odin: I agree with you and hadn't thought about it that way before. I laughed a little when I read "level headed Steve Jobs".

I hope this is true because it is pretty funny. Would have been funnier back when people bought CDs but still funny.

Overly tanned + light colored eyebrows = om pah om pah om pah de do

@SecretAZNMan: Since you asked, I would guess that there have been tighter restrictions on what goes into the ink. One of my favorite lab markers ceased being made recently, probably due to the same restriction.

"Among the great disappointments of modern life is the fact that something as fun as a giant inflatable slide springing from the side of a massive flying machine exists—but may only be used in near-death situations, when one is least inclined to enjoy it."

I sense the approach of pedobear.

If you didn't like this student project priced at 2000 British pound sterling, then you certainly won't like his self portraits, especially the fourth.

@Wolf in command: They never should have blown the door off that hatch.

That island of trolls seems awfully small, given its population.

You can erase normal Sharpies using 70% or greater ethanol solution, depending on the material written on.

@ReiRei0: BART is terrible. CalTrain is worse. For example, I am the best case scenario for a casual user. I live next to the CalTrain station in Menlo Park and want to go to SF, 25 miles away. That's approximately two gallons of gas or $6. To get to Millbrae it costs over $4 on caltrain and then over $4 to go

@rcs914: Well no. Price does not strictly correlate to quality but, in general, the good beers cost more than the bad. Sure there are exceptions but not one significant to make the "correction" you made.

@touchitgently: Listen, you don't kill civilians to hurt Bin Laden, he doesn't care. He'll call them martyrs and say they now have a better life in his version of heaven. If you are mad at Bin Laden, kill Bin Laden. If you don't like the Taliban, kill them. But whatever you do, don't go around killing the innocent

@ziffelbat: Not my favorite beer but it deserves better. Should have been a Natty Lite.

@Cheese Addict: My take is that life is too short for beverages that aren't delicious. Mike's is not delicious, it is fine for other people but I'm really into all the great beers out there. Every Mike's I drink would be me missing an opportunity to have a nice Full Sail LDT Lager or Saisson or something memorable.

@Brian Alexander: or the best if you enjoyed stepping on shattered glass and ceramics. or the best if you hated CRT monitors. or the best if you always wanted to meet members of the ATF. or the best if you.....

@touchitgently: If you are justifying the massacre of thousands of innocent civilians because they happen to live in a country currently ruled by a small cadre of violent fascists, then you have no sense of ethics. Simply put, it would make you a sociopath.

@jmeadicicco: It is a Smirnoff Ice. It is more closely related to Mike's Hard Lemonade than vodka.