The Lab

This is good news because they have identified a part of the virus that cannot mutate because it is needed in order to infect cells.

That case. My eyes. The horror.

@taniquetil: Don't you get it, this isn't humor. This is Gizmodo trying to get back at Apple for the whole lost iphone drama. It comes at the expense of the reader who gets "treated" to non-articles like this every day.

The joke here is on us. We are going to see an anti-iPhone 4 post every day until the iPhone 5 comes out.

@YOXIM: In grad school we had three hour exams. I think you need to let people use the restroom.

OK, so how does the strip know the difference between a plug and the tweezers?

Any progress in thwarting the student who goes to the bathroom and reads a cheat sheet in the stall? Seems kinda fool-proof.

I think what is going on is that Prince only sees the internet through the narrow lens of music. It is like how Ebert couldn't understand video games because he only knew movies. Some people have tried to defend Prince here but it is pretty obvious he is way out of his area of expertise.

@aZn sensaZn: Try looking it up on wikipedia you idiot:

@atomicdog: Sure IN BIOLOGY that is the case. These phones are built in a very reliable way. No one else except you has suggested there is variability between handsets. The question you are concerned with is not the question this post is about.

@atomicdog: It is important in science to clearly define what it is you are testing. Every experiment has implicit assumptions. The question we are trying to answer is how holding the phone affects the reception. If we were concerned that there was phone to phone variability, then it would make sense to test

@atomicdog: I've put a drug into phase one clinical trials. What have you done, Einstein? If this guy has error bars, he has n greater than one. I think your problem is more reading comprehension related.

@njdevil Offers a handsome reward for Cheetah skulls.: Ha ha yeah I knew I wasn't the only one who thinks he's kind of full of it with those masterpieces of his.

@atomicdog: That depends entirely on what question you are asking. If you assume that every iphone 4 behaves the same way, then my approach would be well suited for testing how well these phones connect to a wireless tower. I am comfortable assuming each phone behaves very similarly.

@aZn sensaZn: I have a PhD and have published, this is how I know. Don't try and talk about stuff they don't cover at your community college.

@★DoYouLikeToastToo?: On Giz every two seconds? Come on. It's more like once every several seconds.

I am not sure another accolade added to this long list will make a difference but I'm going to go ahead and chime in if only because Wendy's drawings were not only accomplished but managed to merge both an organic artistic style with a very different digital subject matter. If someone had asked me if an illustrator

@★DoYouLikeToastToo?: but one half of those stories were just repeated information from previous stories.

A good PhD would have at least applied a t test. With data this noisy, it is entirely possible the differences are due to chance. A properly applied t test will tell you with 95% confidence whether this is the case. That's basic science.

@whatne1wuddo: A car doesn't work as a car without purchasing gas. If the customer expects to purchase a case and the phone works fine with the case, for that customer, there is no problem. The only people who have a problem are those that don't plan on buying a case and, seeing as the phone is all ****ing glass, I