
It’s more the principle. I’d say I was risking harm to help uphold the world where people don’t get to walk around and destroy other people’s property. A society where we all look out for each other. I’d rather not go down the slope of “is that crime enough for me to get involved?” I’d rather say “I did the right

Ha! But serisously, middle of the day and a bunch of suits walk by and look at the dude scratching up someone’s Porsche and do nothing? Maybe it’s cause I own one - but I would’ve been “detaining” that punk till the authorities came to ask why he’s dragging a rock across someone else’s car.

Really? You can look at that dude, with his vapid expression and his giant beer and think he was somehow not just a random vandal? Pissed because someone has something nice? If you ever get to the point of owning expensive things, you’ll find that people get mad at you for that - and will break you things because they

I know Ford has them all over the place (and do change colors in mine). I think Mazda and Scion have them. And it might be limited to certian models or options as well. But they are around.

He’s not arguing that the product is bad - he’s saying they are still fighting the perception that it’s not as good. And I agree that you can’t build more expensive products to bring customers back. I drove a V. Nice, but I wasn’t blown away. And the problem is when I looked at a non-V CTS, I was amazed how much they

I think I get what you mean but in the car business (I am not sure about other industries), per car profit is big deal. The companies prefer to sell the more expensive cars they make since they carry a higher profit per unit. While it seems like making more small cars at a lower profit would be just as successful,

Are you saying if you were in control of a company and people were willing to pay more for your product (because it was desirable to them - not because of some sort of necessity like plywood during a hurricane) and you were making a higher profit margin, you would decline and sell your product for less? Really? Why

Troll alert. He didd’t say the 4C was bad - he said he likes owning a manual. You don’t get to tell him that he is wrong about what he likes.

I will add my tale of non-point by woe. At my first Track Night in America event there was a guy in a Mustang (with the V8 and some suspension mods but not the best driver mod). He was miserable in the turns. Everyone except one guy was faster than him - but he would blast out of corners into the two passing zones -

My thoughts exactly. Just a little curve to launch it smoother and he would’ve had a much better chance of landing it. Not that the front axle still might not have come off - I’m doubting it was over-engineered quite enough to account for wicked jumps...

Yeah, my first thought was this is an electric moped that still looks like a mountain bike - which gives it better off road options than a traditional moped. But with 40-60 mph speeds, it should simply follow the same regs as a moped.

Well, I don’t think Peugeots really age all that different from most other cars built in the same era. People like to make crazy claims about certain brands (and there are a few examples, granted) but 44 years is 44 years most of the time. And I don’t think 60K or 160K would make that big a difference to a 44 year old

I think that’s why the disappointment potential may be so high. There is good in it - is there anything worse than a movie that was “almost” great? I’m pretty hard to please with movies - and I ended up really wanting to like Man of Steel. It just didn’t quite close the deal. And I am getting the same vibe from this

Yeah, this has got to be the king. The Fuelshark is a pretty good answer - but this is simply insane. At least now I know what it is when one of these comes flying off some hellaflush civic with a BMW badge.

Feel free. I’ll tell you if it’s reasonably priced, but I’ll likely not buy it. I don’t buy cars near as often as I vote on NPOCP.

Nope. Is this question meant to imply something?

That’s funny cause I had the opposite reaction. Did anyone else notice Bruce Wayne is all mad and vengeancey for Superman fighting in a city and killing a bunch of innocents and then the director mentions rooftops, throwing through walls and skylights? There are really going to do another destructive city fight

These kind of posts always amuses me. What are you basing that off? If this didn’t spend a decent amount of it’s life cared for and in a garage, it would likely be a pile of iron shavings. So where is the skepticism coming from?

Maybe - there was a lot of turn left after he started terminal oversteer. That would fit with his mental lapse comment, too. It’s hard to see with the camera angle but he might have gotten the wheel off the pavement - it looks like he gets right up to/over the curve and then the slide begins. If he lost traction on

It’s quite telling (and not surprising) that the biggest gap involves some topic that can use fear to influence the uneducated. Too often now someone who either is misguided or simply wants to hear themselves speak will latch onto one of these topics (GMO is an obvious example) and start saying it will kill your