Nice recovery after eating the wall last night.
Nice recovery after eating the wall last night.
You are breaking the car!
Rumor is Kimi hasn't been paid in weeks.
Thanks forgot about this.
I think it would be interesting to see a little on how racecars are moved. Not so much in a trailer, but more like trans-oceanic transport: How did Loeb's 208 get from France to CO, how do F1 and WRC cars trot the globe, how did the R18's get to Sebring. I realize I could probably google this and find out, but…
Condolences to Allan's friends and family.
My Dad and I used to snowboard up there. A lot of times the wind was so strong you had to walk up the last stretch ( right as the video ends). Once Dad took a step over the ledge to strap in and the wind caught him and he just hung there in space unable to generate any forward momentum and not quite enough wind to…
Great article. My heart sank when I heard he'd be out again. Can't imagine how much this one stings for Tulo with the team playing well.
I'm pretty sure if Loeb was to drive off the road this car would sprout wings and glide back to Colorado Springs.
Agreed. If you do it well enough, you won't have to repeat your act for years. Just don't do it in the WalMart.
Hudler...still a tool.
Right? And not just a little ice, but a cube so big it takes up the whole damn glass!
I've taken time off to watch Daytona 24 and Nurburgring 24 and both had signifigant weather delays. Let's hope Le Mans is different.
You can hear them! I hope they have her back for a mulligan in the next game.
Can you put this up Friday so it can include more practice and qualifying? It's really awesome fans of various series can come here and post links. Will be especially valuable after Speed goes down the tubes.
The stream doesn't like my ip. Is that an American thing? Anywhere else to watch?
WEC Spa from 5-4 (all 6 hrs) was posted on youtube last week if you need something to fill the gaps between live events.