
Ok, between you guys and the Business Insider, these "Ten Reasons Why ..." lists are all the rage. How about if there are only ... say ... 7 good reasons. Do you make up the 3 remaining ones? The underlying principle here is that their products suck quite bad ... it could just be one reason why they are screwed.

Since when did Elmer Fudd get so violent?

It doesn't look like it's Airplay compatible. When am I going to be able to stream all this content to the Tee Vee?

This problem could be solved easily if they just made the whole plane out of the little black box.

I don't think there's any informed debate going on that outsourcing and technology don't take away American jobs. The iPad involves both. Yes, the buggy and whip gave way to the car and, yes, progress is inevitable and a good thing. Yes, outsourcing enables us to benefit from cheaper goods and that's a good thing

Shopping at Ikea is pretty simple when all I'm looking for is that cod paste in the big toothpaste tube that has that smiling kid on the front.

I tech savvy as I might be, I still might fall for something like this. After holding my index finger over the flash and camera of my iphone and having it provide me with an accurate reading of my pulse, I'm pretty inclined to believe that tablets and phones are capable of anything these days.

I would be happy with the Muhle Edition Chinese Laquer brush for about $650, but I'd really have to find a better razor because the Edition also takes Fusion cartridges and I'm strictly a DE kind of guy.

Hulu has an app, which covers a number of those programs that you've listed, CNN does, etc. You can use AirPlay to stream video and audio from those apps to the Apple TV, no flash needed.

Isn't it the case that iOS 4.3 allows you to push video content like the shows you mentioned to your Apple TV from your iPhone (for example)?

Some people really care about whether it takes them 1.2 seconds versus 1.4 seconds to open an App. And some people will go nuts if they can't have 7 Apps open simultaneously when they're waiting for the train. I agree with your points about the spec obsession and how, for a person like myself, their benefits are, in

Gee, I can't wait to round the corner during a thunderstorm just at the same time that some self-absorbed asshat decides that it's time to consult his "E-mail Manager."

I agree with your point about Ive being a better public face of Apple than Tim Cook. When Apple was at its lowest point (around the time when Gil Amelio was CEO and around the time when Mike Dell said that it would be out of business in a couple of years), Sir Steve made an observation to the effect that Apple needed

The fall at around the one minute mark is the punishment you get for the "Wooooooo" at around the thirteen second mark.

Well, the hyperlink says that of course ... I mean you just click on the hyperlink that's associated with the part of the tweet ... I mean "post" ... that concludes that Steve will be on stage and it tells you all about Steve coming back ... oh, wait a minute ... forget that, that's just a hyperlink to some random

It's great ... the voice kind of sounds like the Xtranormal animated critter who talks about "The Goldman Sachs," "The Ben Bernanke" and "The Quantitative Easing" ... "turn left, followed by a sharp right and deflation is when the prices of the things we buy go down."

I think they should Elop off his head!

One of things that the separation of Church and State encourages is the promotion of religion through private enterprise. Religion becomes more like a product then, rather than a belief system ... a product that can be promoted like any other. The same methods can be used as those employed to market a Happy Meal,

"Too many failure points" sounds like my last relationship.

At least she didn't turn him into a newt.