
Cell phones don't crash airplanes ... pilots crash airplanes?

Al Davis: Put me on the top ten list of bad guys in sports or else ...

The thing that surprises me the most about this article is that Kraft cheese requires refrigeration.

Aw, the footage is fake, darn. Next thing you'll tell me is that Kelly McGillis is really a lesbian ...

So, basically Starbucks is jumping on the McDonalds' "Would you Like to Supersize That?" train in 2011 and this is cause to celebrate? Gee, let me guess ... this is particular to the American market and its particular desires. One thing is a straight up cuppa joe, I get that ... kind of. But one of their gourmet

@Arryma: Ha, same birthday here and I've noticed the same thing. Cheers

If you want to simulate real life, try putting the camera back in the damn car ... in real life, one of the things that you'll notice is that the drivers of the vehicles aren't piloting them from their front bumpers.

@tmronin: Can't argue with pageviews though ...

"Their new phones, though maybe better at holding calls better than their AT&T counterparts ..."

If you look hard enough at the Mac App Store, you can see a skinny, blading man in a black turtleneck setting fire to the entire Mac software section at Best Buy and other fine retailers near you ...

I love the remote app and I'm a big fan of Apple TV. The problem is that Apple TV works best (no drop outs) with wireless N (5GHz) and the remote app won't work with 5GHz. Hence, I end up choosing one over the other.

Now playing

No one was better than Laudrup in flicking those dead passes onto Romario. The the only team that I was entertained by as much as the Barcelona of Cruyff or that of Guardiola was the AC Milan of Sacchi with the three Dutchmen ... damn that was good stuff.

I would be a lot more supportive of Wikileaks if they decided to ... oh, I don't know ... leak some cables about all of those UFOs that the Government insists on hiding at Area 51, for example. Now that I could get behind ...

Bearforce 1 just called, they want their backup vocalist back ...

@farcast: A very complimentary review of the V-Dac on Stereophile, thanks for the tip.

@Anaphylaxor: Thanks for the extensive input, I appreciate it. I'm presenting using the DAC that's in my Sony ES receiver. I know that it is a consumer quality DAC and, at some point, I might upgrade to a higher quality converter. Thanks for the suggestions, they are quite helpful.

@Anaphylaxor: I've looked around at DACs at one point and really have no inkling as to what might be a good one. Any suggestions?

While I'm not really into the aesthetic, the O3HD looks to be a much better call. $999 for a unit that holds 1,500 CDs is much more realistic for the average listener and the price doesn't make me want to hang myself with an Audioquest Everest cable. Oh, I like how Olive has co-opted the Apple marketing speak of

@bowei437: You're spelling it wrong.