
@schunniky: Apple's tendencies are kind of the evil twin of the Gap's insistence on "singularizing" and adding a definite article before all of their generic, uninspiring clothes ... i.e., "The Boyfriend Jean™."

@citizensmith: The most effective method of birth control continues to be guarding your cell phone in a waist mounted "utility belt" holster.

@jad2121: Yes, I have this problem as well.

That record breaking fine looks like a pretty good deterrent: Upside? Verizon makes an extra 52.8 million dollars. Downside? Verizon makes an extra 27.8 million dollars. Gee, you show 'em FCC.

I would be more impressed with this site if it weren't so derivative of my ghost hunting sites: and

Um, hasn't this been on the google mobile page that I access with my iPhone forever?

Looking at these pictures makes me think I'm looking at Jefri of Brunei trying to goof on the Icy Hot Stuntaz.

Divine Brown, 15 years later? Apparently, people can change ... Divine morphed into a dashing, off-duty British master of romantic comedies in a mug shot ... the next thing you know, Divine's going to awkwardly chat me up after we bump heads in the vegetable isle of the grocery store in Knightsbridge after I clumsily

Nothing quite like preposterous overreaching to hobble any legitimate point that this author might have to make. Analogizing a company's public relations debacle to the disastrous response of the top brass at BP seems to be the new "Nazi like policies" ... a phrase meant to conjure up outrage that ultimately fails

I've used voice recognition for about 7 years and there are really 5 things that matter: newish computer with good specs, the most recent version of NaturallySpeaking (10 is the current one and the Standard version is cheap, like 31 bucks on Amazon), an outboard USB soundcard that is designed for voice recognition and

Unfortunately, there's no way that you can hold it to make it not suck.

I look forward to a review of this phone under the principles of Mr. Rams and, if it doesn't pass muster, it should be deemed a "fail."

I look forward to a comprehensive analysis of the new HTC phones and the upcoming Microsoft phones under the principles set forth by Mr. Rams.

Once Italy went down by the initial goal and the desperation started to set in, it was only a matter of time until an Italian hit the deck like he had just been whacked with a 9 iron by Tiger's ex-wife. After all, the flop against Australia in the last World Cup worked out pretty well for them ... couple that flop

Dear USA:

I look forward to not watching the 2014 episode of Real Housewives of OC where Layla attends a dirty martini fueled botox party, chokes after doing beer bongs at Lake Havasu and cries about her failed Mexican jewelry side business ... all in the same episode.

PixelDecor has had the same martini cool 60s wallpapers for many years. The site is never updated, but the patterns are well done.

Gee, I wonder why the humanoid hybrids on Earth had this guy fired and discredited ... I mean, they do nothing but rubber stamp what the aliens tell them to do anyway ... everyone knew that Brad was getting too close to the truth.