
I see he's dating a new woman by the name of Kate Major, a reporter for Star Magazine ... maybe TLC can film a new series on Jon's new life, his two-bedroom apartment on the Upper West Side and call it "Jon and Kate: What Eight?"

Winehouse attempts to ride horse, instead of injecting it.

Henry's actually not as dumb as he seems. He was given two options: (1) have sex with nine different women who will bear your children or (2)screw Octomom 1 1/8 times. Now, who's the idiot?

Hey, wait a minute, what's that steaming pile of refuse that the Rock of Love Short Bus septic tank just deposited on the curb? ... Oh yeah, that's right, those are the accomplishments that Taya chided another cast member for not acknowledging the other night. Accomplishments like noisily masticating copious amounts…

WWDD? What Would Dietrich Do?

I dunno, having the browser that is the quickest to access a particular page by a factor of milliseconds is kind of like having the best ham sandwich.

You can put yer weed in it!

Don't worry Am-bray, no one believed you were 32 to begin with.

Word on the street is that the driver of the Ferrari was a so-called "Dietrich" ...

I'm betting his "lifestyle" profile describes him as "bi furious" ...

You are now free to act like trash in another part of the country ...

Apart from that phony orange tint on the skin, I think the people over at RealDollâ„¢ have made great strides recently ... "add to cart" and "proceed to checkout" here I come ...

Sounds like Stacey has tons of relevant legal experience ... she can carry a briefcase ...

Accused says she's not guilty ... accusers say she's guilty ... details at 11 ...

Fucking five-year-olds ... I swear ... just get it right already, OK?

Kim really knows how to work that black in her catbag ... I mean ... handbag ...