
It’s been explained by others here. You simply don’t understand OPM. The whole thing you just described about the endless debate is purely why OPM was created. He IS the END ALL most powerful. There is absolutely no need for any long winded discussion about “Yea but Superman can do this and he’s done that!” or “But

lol Batman is pretty much another Mumen Raider against Saitama.

It’s a little misleading when you put “VS” and “One-Punch man” in the same title. That implies that there is some significant chance that they could beat Saitaman.

Lol, I love you to death Batman but...

I... would play that.

Now that you mention it, HOW FREAKING COOL WOULD THAT BE?!

It’s no more stupid than anything else by Greg Pak. So pretty stupid but still fun.

My all makes sense...

Logistically speaking, this is in Superman’s favor. He’s just capable of more impossible stuff compared to Saitama.

OPM is probably the only comic hero that could beat Superman though. They have the exact same power. It’s “I win. No convoluted writing required. I just win because I win”. It’s just that in Saitama’s case, it’s also “And because it’s funny for to win right now. That’s also why I win”. Superman could beat Saitama.

Of course they get it.

What’s Lex Luthor doing here?

Yep. Agree with you totally.

Really? I forgot about that. When I heard the title of that book, I groaned. It’s like the tats on the new Joker; trying too hard.

It’s “Totally Awesome Hulk” which is Amadeus Cho. The concept is as stupid as the haircut. I have no clue how it got past the “HEY GUYS I HAVE A GREAT IDEA TO MAKE THE HULK COOL” phase of planning.

I’ve seen you in Marvel-related comment sections here enough to be kind of surprised that you don’t recognize Amadeus Cho Hulk when you see him. That’s just his hair.

Batman could beat him because he’s Batman.

New Hulk

I think this is the car you are talking about, the GT700R

Let's not forget that it spawned the V8 Zagato: