Are you trolling? You must be. If not, then you NEED to watch OPM, like, right now.
Are you trolling? You must be. If not, then you NEED to watch OPM, like, right now.
Saitama would beat Superman, or Goku, or anyone really, with, one punch, duh. That’s kind of the point. haven’t watched OPM, have you?
New Hulk dude, you need to get up to date with your comics.
Persona 5, because turn based.
Mark 3 Toyota Supra. You hear so many negative things about the 7MGTE, but nobody ever mentions how fucking savage they sound, pure sex:
Way to lose any good will that may have been left Konami. That was an exceedingly dumb move. it weird that I actually see potential there?
...this thing sounds expensive.
I know plenty of women with thighs bigger than their waists . . . . but then again, I live in Dominican Republic.
I like video games, I watch “Let’s Plays”, and “QuickLooks”, even “Endurance Runs”. I thought it was funny.
I have a Crunchyroll paid account, and I watch A LOT of anime. And I had not seen ANY of these!
...except GATE.
Damn, this was my answer!
The Rapide “facelift” actually makes me physically angry!
That’s a namekian, not a saiyan.
I’d put an STi engine in it, and do the rest of it as close to a Singer as my (admitedly very limited) budget would allow.