
Oh come on Square, that's another Tomb Raider game for the iPhone you've released. I really wish they would bring Guardian of Light over to the Vita! The fact that it's on the iPhone (I've had it since the 4) means it should be fairly simple to port over to the Vita.

im guessing its because no one has a wii u so no one except you and iwata care about its numbers

Did you not think the NSA was doing that before Snowden's leaks?

Hero or not what he did was treason, and we kill traitors in this country.

OK. Maybe the conversations won't be any worse than normal.

It's German

Mighty Humpin' Power Rangers. But is she ready for his megazord?

The Power Rangers couple renders all the other ones irrelevant.

I explained why. It's a sport sedan that's not fun to drive. What's the point?

Have you never read any studies on sentencing results vs race or income?
If not please go read some.

I tried to read Twilight series and wished I was dead... does that count?

So busy being a moron you forgot that you were? Moron.

Shut it moron. Everyone has a stupid PC

Alien: Colonial marines looked good at that time too. It's easy to get hyped about the promotional material that is about the only thing the show from the game. But they don't really say anything about the state the development is in.

The Add to Cart button? That's entirely on Kinja's end; if it detects a link to Amazon (I dunno about other stores), it automatically replaces it with an affiliate link (so Kotaku gets a cut of the sales) and adds that button to the post. As for the links and images, there are formatting tools right above the text

Yep, he was also too full of himself and it showed in the game.

Hey FriedHuggababy,

So long as it makes the game fun, I can ignore how ridiculous it is.

Yeah those people who held on to there thousands of bitcoins and sold them when they were $1200 a piece really are stupid.... Most people talk down upon bitcoin or other crypto's simply because they do not understand it,and since they dont they automatically assume scam.

Of course, Krugman feels the same way about gold, so...