
Lol someone needs some..

Was that on purpose? Do you work for the NSA?

No offense, but none of the jokes were great to begin with. Lampshading them was the only way out.

Do you think you're on Deadspin?

Though Bruce Lee made nunchucks famous, they didn't originate in China, they came from Okinawa. Therefore, it is not you who is predisposed to be bad-ass with this weapon, BUT I, a descendent of the Okinawan people. I too:

Cat burglar doesn't mean "someone who steals cats". That would be "cat lady".

Guess that shows that you didn't even read the article haha

She's 28... (read the article), that's a whole 16 years before pre-teen becomes a thing, plenty of room for non-pre-teens to be younger than her.

I'm all of those things (assuming I'm better at games)!

The Wii U/PC versions look no better than the PS3 version, nor presumably the 360 one. lol

That's a lot of threes you've got there...

It's an ironic tag.


prejudiced against people with facial hair

You know what else has stars?

I'd think that America needs to get over its Soviet phobia, and that it's something that should have died with the Hollywood communist blacklisting craze of the '50s. It's only a "toxic label" if people (much like yourself) continue to propagate it as such with no rhyme or reason to speak of. Seriously, if you can

Yes, Stalin was a socialist leader. Your point?

I'm not. Games like Minecraft more than matches most older toys as far as hands-on and creativity goes.

This list pretty much sums up why I have no interest in the Wii U at all; its best games have all been available elsewhere for a long time already, and its few exclusives are certainly aimed at younger audiences. Plus, moving forward, it's not getting any third-party support anyway; Tomb Raider, Bioshock Infinite,

This list is a perfect explanation of why I'm not interested in a WiiU currently,