
What would be enough? Just wondering. It's not like they can tell shareholders that they've made enough money this quarter and they've decided not to make anymore money... At if they did, their stock would bomb and I know I'd take my money elsewhere.
I do totally understand what you're saying tho, I'm just kinda

That my friend, is one beautiful piece of machinery. So fucking cutting edge and ahead of its time it was doomed to fail. Oh how I wish I still had mine with all those great games... Lent it to a friend, who then in turn got his car broken into and my little treasure was lost forever. I hope the prick that stole it at

Cat in the wall situation, huh?

Yea exactly. I can totally get down with that. Plus that kind of health system is much more friendly to semi-casual/casual gamers out there, and will therefore help sales, hopefully guaranteeing us another sequel! Sha-zam!

The way their dealing with the health system isn't my favorite.... Your health DOES regenerate to a certain point (I think about 1/3 your health bar), then you need to find health packs to regain the rest of your health bar. Interesting? Maybe. Old school? Naw.

What made you decide to sell it? Just over it? Because you have quite the little gem there my friend....

Is this a vita title? Ps4? Forgive me if it was already stated and I missed it.

I still play the shit outta that on my psp. It really is a beautiful game. Hey, I wonder (and hope/assume) if it's available on the vita marketplace too....?

Really? I thought for $3 bucks it was a pretty solid deal actually.... I know it's not an amazing game, but it's cheaper than a 12oz redbull. I'd say it's a good pick up at that price.

Ooooh, I gotcha. Thanks for the info. Are you one of the people considering the boycott? I do personally prefer physical copies of games, but if there was a game I was dying to play, but was download only, I'd download it in a heartbeat.

Please don't judge me for not knowing, but what's so awesome about that game? I hear people all the time talking about how amazing it is and I realized I know next to nothing about it. I know I could just Google it, but I'd much rather hear about it from somebody who's actually played it and is recommending it.

Why boycott it? Just wondering.

Also badass: Brutal sports football
Oh how I miss you jaguar....

So the main character isn't Viewtiful Joe? Damn, now I'm the one confused...

Isn't he listed at #21?
I apologize if I'm wrong, I am no pokaMaster. Although I can get down if need be...

You probably should have read the end of his comment where he said "just kidding"...
Oh well. Just random internet tears.

I know.... right?
As an owner of both systems this news also surprises me. There's also an ace-combat game on the 3ds! Fuck where have I been?

It makes me a sad panda that there's no killzone: mercenaries deal anywhere today (unless I'm blind and totally missed it). No biggie, it just would have been "cool". I loved the beta and the reviews have been relatively well.

Thanks for posting that!
Now we know, and knowing is half the battle.

Speaking of that, did you see kap's fantasy numbers this week vs. green bay? Jeeze, that dude is a total baller. Him and Bolden make a great team, and things will only get crazier when Crabtree returns. It's gonna be a fun season this year!
All hail football!