
Damn. Thanks for posting that.

There's nothing per say wrong with studying violent games. But would u support a study on violent tv and movies in regards to children? What about violent books? Aggressive music? I hope you kinda see my point here. Part of the issue is games being singled out. Another part is anti-government regulation. Personal

Damn I'm not familiar with that game, but you sure do make it sound interesting. I feel like I might have missed out on something...

Oh man, Tenchu... I loved those games with a passion. Even the 360 iteration gave me my kicks, and I can't say it was a great game while keeping a straight face. But honestly I can't wait for the enviable HD remake/ sequel.
Actually thanks for reminding me about that gem. I think you inspired me to go dig it out of

Apparently it's hard to convey sarcasm over the interwebs.... But fuck'em, I laughed my ass off!

Thank you. I needed a pallet cleanser after watching that and reading some of the comments.
Happy Friday!

Damn thanks for that info. Although I'm sure it's not a big deal for everyone, it's still a huge deal for others. Mucho appreciated.

I think you're absolutely correct, including the eloquent way with which you wrote it. Thanks for looking into my brain/soul and coming up something. I was having a difficult time trying to get out on paper what was in my head. Your words are perfect! Thank you.

I second this brilliant man's motion.
Here here!

Thank you for your comment. Hopefully others agree with what u wrote, as it is filled with wisdom.

Evan, what are the touch controls in the game? I occasionally saw the gentleman playing the game touching the screen, but I couldn't quite figure out what those touches were controlling.

Awwww, you made me a sad panda with the harsh truth you just laid down right there. Although I thoroughly enjoy being a console gamer for the most part, knowing the reality that we will always have second tier graphics crushes my inner soul. I really do with I could afford a decent gaming computer...

You nailed it right there. Gang members don't deserve "normal" jobs because of how you perceive they might spend the money they earned.... Makes total since to me. (Please note the extremely heavy use of sarcasm)

Oh snap! You're right, it totally does. Good call my football loving friend. Go 9ers!

Hot damn, are the percentages really that low? As a non PC gamer (but someone who would like to become one someday soon) that surprises me. But honestly I don't think I've ever really thought about it before...

Well pardon fucking me for trying to make conversation with someone without first checking their comment history.... My apologizes.

Have you had a chance to play the killzone beta on the vita yet? If you like fps games, definitely give it a whirl. It's by far the best option on the vita to get your murder simulation on. I've literally been loving every minute of it.

That makes me a sad panda.

Not even close... But I genuinely applaud their effort. It will no doubt make countless people happy. Good for them.

Bravo sir, bravo. On a side note, the kid who played Sean on that show is from my neck of the woods in northern California. Yay norCal....