Can Jalopnik sponsor a track day virgin track day at NJ Motorsports Park? Like a normal track day there, or something, but with free stickers.
First time at a drag strip (if this counts for the QOTD) so I was a bit nervous. Followed all the etiquette rules regarding the staging lanes, driving around the water box since I was on street tires, etc. Nerves got to me on the line so I forget to leave on the last yellow (sportsman tree) and I waited until the…
Every crusher-bound factory car should end up like this.
im just here for all the blind side jokes......
But there IS an Embassy of Heaven Driver’s License. I highly recommend you get one. I did and it’s hilarious. What is it good for? Who cares?!
Umm...happy birthday?
I blame comcast for my Internet’s occasional slowness and I’m not even in a continent where comcast operates.
I don’t know how, but I bet this is all comcast’s fault
It’s 2015.
Gawker: “Does new airline cost structure encourage anorexia and smoking?”
One joy of being a gear head is working on a ran when parked vehicle. It’s also one on the most painful things you can do. We recently had to move my mother in law, including her old Comversion Van that had been sitting for probably 3 years. I had never though much of it becuae it was dirty and full of stuff. I also…
Be it a barn find or just something you left in storage for one too many years, Hot Rod Garage’s Tony Angelo is here…
you next to never see a full sized Krackel bar, just those little ones built for bitches.
I do, however, applaud you for donating 3 years of your life for the sake of your readers.
You mean like taking it to a dyno?
“Tech Inspection Guy: This is a real Hummer, not one of them later ones, built for bitches.”