
Maybe it’s because I am 5’0” 195lbs... but I have been 5’0” and 135lbs (Not to mention DD boobs) and in no way can I possibly consider that anywhere in the realm of “fat.” To me that is super in shape. I don’t have a problem with fat, but I just don’t think any reasonable person would consider a 5’1” 135lb woman or a

You just know that he beat on it.

Surfs a flaming Suburban into a lake. Leaps from the blazing inferno... and holds his nose like a little girl before he hits the water.

Dude stop. He clearly did MUCH more than ride on the wring side of the road. Posting here in the most absurd denial is almost as harmful to the cyclist cause as this guy’s action. You are furthering the notion that all cyclists are entitled assholes who think there’s one rule for them and another for everyone else.

Learn to swim.

You’ve clearly never raced the AI any Gran Turismo game.

Just buy one of these and all your problems with bikes and cycles will be beneath you.

Fuck him. He initiated the assault. He has no right to imprison her and intentionally impede her freedom of movement with the threat of force. That’s tantamount to kidnapping.

WTF? He crosses into oncoming traffic and then stops in front of her, and barely gets touched!

Actual mugshot

A critical masshole and a Subaru driver. Both are progressives living in that shithole. San Francisco, can you go ahead and slip into the ocean already....

I love riding my bike. I hate assholes like this. They put my life in danger even though I live on the other side of the country. Fuck Critical Mass.

Critical Massholes.

It doesn't matter what it was before we invaded. We invaded under false pretenses and for questionable reasons and now the region is on fire.

45 minutes and seven miles is outrageous.

I’ve never had to truly commute to work until recently, and having done so for the past 4 months I’m already so weary of it. I’d welcome an autonomous car solely for making my 45 minute, seven mile commute home less painful. Driving 45 minutes isn’t the problem, but rather starting and stopping and starting and

I’m all about autonomous cars if I don’t have to have one myself. A robot isn’t going to block the left lane, passive aggressively staying parallel to the car in the right lane, making sure nobody can exceed the speed they deem appropriate because anything more would be dangerous and is therefor clearly unnecessary.

Well I didn’t say it has the Tahoe powertrain, now did I? :)

NOTE: If your car is “too asshole” for Range Rover buyers, it may be time to start dialing it back a little.

The guy in the Range Rover Sport ended up facing a civil suit from the motorcyclist he ran over, who was — stunningly — represented by Gloria Allred. That motorcyclist was driving on a suspended license and claims he is paralyzed. Certainly that is still ongoing.