
Delicate cracker snowflakes don’t like to be challenged, history repeats and Georgia gun control laws start in 3... 2... 1 ...

As a contractor in the system we have this problem as well. The big three will not get or give us their proprietary material even though most of it is COTS . on further analysis it is found that the bits and parts are in the public domain but they go so far as to grind the identification off of the parts and remove

Yeah, Oshkosh owns Motor T’s ass. My battalion had three JLTVs get deadlined for mechanical failures at 29 Palms, and then another eleven get deadlined for a safety recall, leaving us in the middle of an exercise with 60% of our normal complement of JLTVs and having to fly a team of three Oshkosh mechanics out and

We had similar problems with missile component circuit cards in the 90's. Our ship had the capability to repair the cards.  Doing so would void the warranty. The circuit cards took weeks to order while we were in the gulf. This severely dregarded our missile system abilities. 

Had these experiences with not just vehicles (Maxxpros and MATVs), but comm equipment as well and one of my friends in the Navy says that he’s experienced similar with ships. When he was on a DDG and said that they would pull into Pearl and the only people who were allowed to work on the ships were contractors, not

We go to war with the kinja we have not the kinja we wish we had.”

If there were justice in this world, yours and OP’s star counts would be reversed.

These dogs are most certainly more deserving of human compassion and love than say, Jim Spanfeller (who by the way, if you didn’t know, has an email address: That stain deserves to hear why a dog is more noble and deserving of human love and affection than he is.

My name is Brandon Burrell. I was one of Kevin Sneed’s attorneys during the trial. The States Attorney didn’t reduce the charges the second degree assault and Disorderly conduct. We went to trial on first degree assault, second degree assault, resisting arrest, and disorderly conduct. The attempted first degree murder

It’s also worth noting the extra work would probably add a minimum of 5 minutes waiting in line at the drive-thru.

In and Out milkshakes cost $2.15.



Come on man.

And yet, they still insist on serving mikshakes via a dispensable pre-mix instead of serving scooped, hand spun milkshakes as GOD INTENDED.

You’re a monster.

**America, owned by a multinational holding company based in Belgium.