On the occasion of Kotaku's 10th anniversary earlier this month, I'd like to tell you all about a big change…
On the occasion of Kotaku's 10th anniversary earlier this month, I'd like to tell you all about a big change…
Doesn't even come close to topping Gone Home's arsenal, though. Now there was a game that knew how to gun
Big ones.
what kind of guns do you get
The Dead Space series was riding high after the release of Dead Space 2 in 2011, having become one of the most…
The problem with an all-male cast in FF XV is two fold.
Correct, if the game designer, studio, writer, etc. decide they do not want a female character then yes they do not have any obligation to include it, and if their only reason for doing so is 'I just don't want to,' that is a perfectly legitimate reason. HOWEVER, that being said, as consumers and game critics, the…
Yes, let's just assume she sent bomb threats to herself, despite having zero evidence to that effect. That seems reasonable.
(Do NOT say you like it because of lesbians)
(Do NOT say you like it because of lesbians)
(Do NOT say you like it because of lesbians)
Frankly, this sounds like a really good one to watch - it might be the breast one of the season.
I mean like shut up.
The folks behind the astounding The Walking Dead games kick-off a new serialized adventure tomorrow with The Wolf…