
When an article like this comes out, the source isn’t some a neutral party that wants to “set the record straight.” The person is someone with either an axe to grind or wants to advance their career. My guess is that person who leaked this story to Variety is a mid level WB exec who wants to shift blame from the

“... are they behind the screen or anything?”

Chapek unlike Bob Iger or Michael Eisner before him is a Theme Parks guy not a movies guy. Chapek got the job because he was able to turn the parks into an infinite money fountain by figuring out you couple get away with charging 10 bucks for a bucket of popcorn in a Disney park. He doesn’t care about the movies, they

Cat independence and their retention of their own agency is likely because, while dogs were actively domesticated, cats pretty much domesticated themselves.

They got Peach looking like a Disney Princess, it don’t look bad at all”

She looks like... Princess Peach lol 

Patton going to get that anonymous text that says, “Strike one”.

Now playing

To date, Hollywood hasn’t done the iconic franchise the justice it deserves.

Given the name it’s pretty obvious what this is.

If I wanted to stay indoors, stare at flatscreens, and get drunk, I could do that at home.

Maybe... Just *maybe*...

The guy is really not a bad leading man. But his characters are better when the movie doesn’t take him seriously. Guardians of the Galaxy and Lego Movie do that perfectly - yeah, he’s the hero of the movie, but he’s also a bit of a loser, and the movie acknowledges that.

My kids barely can sit through the original Star Wars trilogy, which is glacially paced by today’s standards.

In comparison, I find a lot of the videos they like to be hyper-active and shallow.

And that’s OK. Older generations need to get over themselves and not insist forever and ever that the things they loved must

It looks... okay?

No, it’s not. An asexual person is someone who does not feel romantic and/or sexual attraction as it is typically described by people who experience romantic and/or sexual attraction (typically-attracted folks are called ‘allosexuals’). There is a wide spectrum of specific ace identities, and asexual is often

Emperor Shaddam IV

Thor: Love & Thunder is a romance centered around Thor and Hercules discovering they love each other: confirmed.

I’m a boring straight white dude, so no idea if I’m just being a dick for interjecting here, but Poe and Finn in the new SW trilogy even felt like queerbaiting to my normally oblivious self, and I was genuinely baffled/confused/angry that Disney didn’t follow through and put them together because they had more

If you research the actual Stede Bonnet history, which is surprisingly ample online and in history books, the whole gay innuendo really leaps out between the cracks of the narrative. As people did back then (and still do), the gay aspects are danced around and waved away, but there are clear subtext once you decide to

Yes, yes, Leto is a pretentious asshole, but this:

huh It sounds like they may go pretty meta with the D&D movie, which aside from using one of the more insane settings, is maybe the best way to handle a D&D movie. This thing has at least piqued my interest a bit now.