
As someone who existed at the time Pokemon emerged but who never has been into it, why ruby and sapphire and not blue and red?

Somebody tell CNN that they were all forced to marry the downed Malaysian Airlines plane, and you'll hear all about it.


When I was a little kid my dad's barber shop had a magpie that talked. You could feed him cracked corn and peanuts and he prattled on in various voices. I was head over heels for him, and never missed one of my dad's weekly haircuts. I have a major soft spot for the Corvids - smart, interesting and beautiful birds.

Bilbo and Gandalf can testify. Quoth the raven, "The secret door's over there, dudes."

Yes! God knows I built an i5 with 16GBs of RAM and an nVidia GTX 760 PRECISELY so I can play the shit out of a highly pixelated RPG game..

Edit: I got confused, the Mapo Bridge has movement activated lights that light up when you walk by, they stop you from brooding in the dark and I guess they make anyone lingering on the bridge easier to see.

Why are white people questioning her about what she does with her own hair? How about they should mind their business? That said - only Black women can say that their own, naturally occurring hair is such a horrible, unworkable chore that it is perfectly reasonable to never deal with it, and this is supposed to be

There are so many other factors as well. Such as the Big Box stores like Wal-mart basically annihilating most specialty stores. Then they flaunt their order sizes, and make absurd demands on the toy companies to put out certain assortments or certain character ratios, then end up gypping it on shelf space and

She is French.

I believe so, and the Imperial exclusion from the game's playable races is likely why they dubbed this the Imperial Edition. Now everyone will want you on their team to round it out. Pretty smart actually, leaving something out that's already built into the game in order to incentivize people to pre-order the ga—wait

I don't know if I'm alone in this feeling, but even though Ryuko has a solid body, I don't find her sexually attractive because of her personality. I've gone full moe, dammit. Satsuki on the other hand though...

Now playing

Thankfully, the fanservice is a bit more even-handed than I would have expected (though it is still miles from equal) as Ryuko's teacher has the habit of performing a strip show each and every time he dives into expository dialogue.

if they like mecha and WTF aspects on shows that they will not be able to predict, Valvrave the Liberator. seriously, its insane. Kill la Kill is by the team that brought us Gurren Lagan, and features a punk chick fighting with a giant scissor. it also doesnt take itself very seriously.

If you like something with some down to earth emotion and comedy, I suggest Samurai Flamenco. If it does not interest you, please watch until ep. 8 at least.

Fullmetal Alchemist. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. Berserk. Steins;Gate