Yeah but they saved me from having to say an extra syllable in my brain while reading this story. How’s that for efficiency!
Yeah but they saved me from having to say an extra syllable in my brain while reading this story. How’s that for efficiency!
‘keep up with the whisky Grace, it’s good for your heart’.”
Sidebar: I’ve noticed there are a lot of kids today named “Owen”. Is it the new “Mike”?
Someone once asked me if White Castle was good. I replied “Good? That’s up to you. But it is certainly beloved.”
I don’t know if 8 was my favorite all around game but it definitely has my favorite design out of the series. It managed to make a technologically advanced magical setting feel real, beautiful, and grand without getting too goofy.
Eh you haven’t been to my local Thai place...
I think it’s also important that cooking at home is now considered an acceptable and often times preferred date idea. “Netflix and Chill” may seem like a crass joke but “Let’s cook something with fancy pesto at my place and then afterwards watch that Marvel movie we both missed in theaters because we were too busy in…
It’s funny because I remember reading articles a couple years back saying everyone’s going to restaurants rather than the movies anymore. So i guess that got too expensive as well.
What a great idea. I have two grandparents in their 90's now and just recently lost a grandmother to Alzheimer’s. It’s remarkable how much their days improve when they actually stay hydrated but they’re so stubborn about it.
They had such an environmental issue with goose poop in my hometown that they actually tried rounding up the geese at night and gassing them to death in vans. Pretty gruesome stuff that stopped pretty fast after folks heard about it but in their defense, have you ever met a goose?
Oh absolutely but it all depends on what you’re watching. I’ve been watching a lot of Fox shows like Bob Burgers without ever seeing an ad. Plus, I find there’s a lot more movies and shows I actually want to watch on Hulu compared to the crap Netflix keeps slapping a sticker on. In that context, it feels really hard…
I don’t think we’re necessarily in disagreemnt here regarding Netflix. I just think Hulu as a subscription service is the direct opposite of regular TV.
Oh definitely. And it’s the same ad over and over again. It makes binging real hard.
Psh not with Super Hulu no-ads 4k Premium or whatever the highest tier is I’m paying $11.99 a month for. I haven’t seen an ad in months. My parents describe some new funny Geico animals to me and I have zero concept what they’re talking about.
I started following Screen Junkies after this whole thing went down and I got to say they’re pretty entertaining and open-minded. Other channels I like are MovieBob (Bob Chipman), Lindsay Ellis, Nerdwriter, and Patrick H Willems. However, it’s worth noting Bob Chipman is the only one out of any of those that handles…
Yeah I’m looking at the totem pole and that sounds pretty far down on the “input you’re allowed to give for this wedding” hierarchy.
Was this person a relative or the venue?
I agree both are narrative messes but Iron Man 2 is by far the worst. That movie basically takes the improv stylings of the first film and sets them loose to the point where it feels like you’re watching a film made by drunk people. Thor 2 can be super generic, but at least it keeps moving in a straight line.
Ugh you got every right to give him the side-eye. There are people that legit need a trained emotional support animal but the deluge of these cards has eroded any legitimacy these have. It also has a way of making some mental illnesses look less legitimate. If people are going to think the concept of an emotional…