Washington wasn’t exactly typical for his time but Columbus’s treatment of the natives he encountered (and later governed under Spanish rule) was considered especially brutal. He was even imprisoned by the Spanish crown under accusations of “Tyranny” due to his use of torture and mutilation while governing Hispaniola.…
God. When are they gonna get together?
Same. I feel like the only way this is acceptable now is to go full blown hipster and grow a beard while wearing flannel (already got the beard down!). I’m just happy I got rid of all my polos and khakis back in 2006.
Yeah but to me that represents more a failure on the teachers part to make valuable use of their students time in class. Then again, education is hard when every kid has their learning style. I guess homework is a necessary evil to help fill in the gaps. I just wish there weren’t so much of it. If you have six…
Yeah it’s a slippery slope and I find that if I start bringing work home I need to ask if I’m really managing my time well when I’m at the office. Work/life balance is important.
Homework still sticks in my head as one of the most fucked up parts about school. You have to sit being lectured to for most of the day, do after school activities, and then do 2-3 hours of worksheets and reading after school. And then they started putting it on the weekends too!!!
Good advise is to always pick a safety word. And if things are getting really kinky, be sure to bring a flare gun to signal you are in distress and need evac.
To this day, I don’t know how this woman is still alive.
Hey, I just wanna say if you haven’t listened to Levar Burton Reads yet, go and do that right now. I could listen to Burton read anything but the stories he’s chosen have been top notch and the production on the audio is fantastic.
I got to ask what the benefit is for the dog is in this type of situation. I understand that there are people that have moral issues with consuming meat but it seems like the risk/reward for a dog doesn’t make a lot of sense. It’s up to a dog owner to make sure their pet is healthy and happy first before making any…
I know this is a joke but there have been times in my life where I seriously wish there was a nearby underwear vending machine.
As someone that’s gotten dumped in their own home, I gotta agree. I was pretty bummed but I was immediately able to grab some snacks, play some video games, and get on with my life. Getting dumped in public sucks though, especially when you’re in New York and need to take the subway back to an empty home.
Me and my twin brother went to New York Comic Con and dressed as Captain Kirk and Mirror Universe Captain Kirk.