
The wrinkles and edges were a little jarring to me at first but then I looked at all the Blizzard art for Dranei. It's much more in line with the original design they had in mind and captures more of that ancient spirit. After close to a decade of the old model, I'm ready to give something new a shot

I beleive the older models will be available at lower graphics settinhs but I'm not sure if you'll be able to independently control which models appear on high settings.…

I played through multiple times just to see how many dinosaur eggs I could amass by the end of the game. I had an entire army by the final level with two T-Rex's leading the charge! Those poor hunters didn't stand a chance.

Chaos Island. Yes! My family got that game for free with my Windows 98 Gateway back in the day and boy was it was it a blast. Julianne Moore, Vince Vaughn and Jeff Goldblum all did voice acting for the game so you got to listen to Vince throw out such 90's quips as "Kudos, dude. You're rocking" and Goldblum

All depends who you're asking;

So, I'm confused. Is straight dog marriage still cool or nah?

I truly feel publicity agents should force each of their clients to spend six months on the World of Warcraft forums before being allowed a twitter account. If you can survive six months on there without getting the banhammer, you can behave yourself anywhere!

Also wanted to post this gem I found in my googling because it's Whoopi and she has a laser gun and oh why the hell not...

Right? My friend had a guy rubbing up against her on the subway once. Some little old guy saw it and immediately began to rip the guy apart in front of everyone else on the subway. Good on you old dude. Good on you.

Seems awfully romantic.

Are a lot of these people small children and/or wild animals?

As messed up as it is, I've heard back-licking stories from numerous women I know. It happened most recently to one of my friends at the club when some guy came up and started dancing behind her but it's also happened to people I know on public transportation. Women, sadly enough, literally need to watch their backs

"60 percent of the Taco Bell menu"

I want to give a quick shout out to I wouldn't say it's the best website, but it has a nice focus on what the user likes to do for fun rather than what their attributes are. I find it much more useful to view at a quick glance what you'd like to do on a date than what you listed your

This is just one of the reasons I don't drive a motorcycle. People drive like nuts out there. You need all the protection you can get.

My grandma's has about nine baby Kenyan dwarf goats on their property right now. Here's a third of them chilling out. They don't get too much bigger lol.