Just get Barry a few pints. I'm sure he can take 'em after he loosens up again.
Was I the only one to think they could possibly have been faking this for an insanity plea? Maybe I'm just more willing to believe two people would work together to kill someone than two people just happening to go crazy at the same time. However, This pyschiatrist is a professional and all I have are 2000 hours of…
Wait, you don't have a frat house where drunken co-eds cheer you on while you roll? Or have you just not pledged yet this semester? (it's cool. You can tell me, brah).
This just proves that a Pacman movie would be terrifying.
I love how there have been links made between pollution levels and children born with autism, yet nobody points the blame in that direction. Let's all blame the people working to keep you healthy as opposed to those who could care less.
Great article. But I'm still skeptical as hell of how this game's story will turn out especially after how awful Farcry 3's was.
"Neither the sexually immoral, nor the idolators nor adulterers nor male prostitutes, nor homosexual offenders, nor thieves, nor greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."
Did kotaku ever come out with an actual review for this game?
It's so disappointing when every Asian character on TV has to speak with a broken, stereotypical accent. I love Don't Trust the B in Apt 13 but was so disappointed when I saw Rosalind Chao playing a shrieking Korean minister. Especially when 15 years earlier she was playing the comparatively normal Keiko O'Brien on…
Sweet mother of Washington, that is a huge cast!
Wait a minute...people are still reading magazines? Like with those sheets of paper you got to flip through and stuff? What are we? Animals?
But how is this specific to young love? Maybe I'm missing something in the explanation.
Thanks for the Info! There's so many complications to watch out for with twins but I think the Internet and folks like you posting has done a lot to inform future parents. I'm really amazed by all the research thats been done throughout my lifetime. Compare that to back in the 80's when my mom didn't even know she was…
There is way too much schmexiness in this cast. I can't handle it.
Lol I don't know if they're your first but prepare to be out-numbered! Me and my brother used to coordinate playpen breakouts by leaning our combined weight on the walls to get it to flip.
Congratulations on the twins! You've got lots of fun years ahead. And thanks for the info. It's amazing how a few days can effect the rest of the pregnancy.
Yeah my mom says she thinks me and my brother had one set but that was 27 years ago and I don't really think she was paying that much attention (fair enough given the circumstances lol). She asked my doctor a few years later whether he thought we were identical and what tests we could take. He just shrugged and said…