The high five right below the Kanye/Kim story perfectly summed up how I feel lol. I'm not a violent person, but I would certainly have a similar reaction if some punk kid was saying such awful things to my friends let alone wife.
The high five right below the Kanye/Kim story perfectly summed up how I feel lol. I'm not a violent person, but I would certainly have a similar reaction if some punk kid was saying such awful things to my friends let alone wife.
Really? I would have switched out Eccentric Family for Beyond the Boundary any day of the week. Both seemed to have a similar urban fantasy setting but Eccentric Family just seemed funnier and more heartfelt to me, with more consistent characters and tone. Beyond the Boundary was beautiful but it kept shifting between…
Same here but I think that's intentional. There's nothing seductive about Ryuko's personality. The fact that everyone thinks she's so sexy just shows their foolishly only looking at her physical appearance. We're meant to emphasize with this badass women dealing with a world that's filled with perverted morons that…
As a straight male, I still have to say I find the egalitarian level of beefcake on this show to be refreshing.
My favorite episode so far has been where they need to get to school on time. I haven't seen such hilarious, unbridled insanity in a show in a long time. I remember thinking "This is why animation was invented".
This has been really frustrating for me as some perfectly good anime I've enjoyed have been marred by the inclusion of some cutesy character or fan service. Samurai Seven, for example, was really fun and had some badass fighting, but why the hell did they have to bring a seven year old girl with them on their journey?
Thanks for the suggestions btw!
Most have been looking for stuff that is really brutal and mature like Titan.
Cell phones?!?!? What is this? A game for ants?!?
I found this show really but the fan service honestly proved to be a little too much for me. Maybe it's because I'm still figuring out the cultural norms in Japanese Anime and when something's being parodied versus legitimately celebrated. All I know is if I recommended this to any of my friends they would think I was…
Can anyone recommend some other recent Anime that a fan of Attack of Titan would enjoy? I've had a few people ask me this and have had a hard time answering. I've honestly been too busy watching nothing but comedies since Titan as a form of therapy for how brutal the show is lol.
I still think that if Microsoft was really serious about the Kinect, they would have packaged some kind of Kinetic Adventures game with the console like Nintendo did with Wii Sports. Heck, even the first Kinetic came with something I could play with out of the box. It illustrates how little Microsoft cares about any…
I kind of feel like this is the approach they should have taken for an elder scrolls MMO rather than the theme park style they're going for now. I'd much rather explore a huge detailed world with only a few other players than have thousands of people clogging up the place and sitting on mailboxes. It ruins the…
That man is a bloodthirsty tyrant! Ghengis Khan and I just wanted to lead our small, mercantile countries in peace and then he just starts going ahead and dropping bombs. What a dick.
I've actually really grown to like this series. But, man, is it soul-crushing. I needed to binge-watch Silver Spoon afterwards just to balance myself out. Btw, thanks for the review on that show, Richard! Not only is that show delightful but I actually learned something about agriculture.
And evil ones at that! Why could they have just named him Cid Highwind?
Pretty sure Eros is the Latin name of Cupid.
Oh yeah. And we thought beating that stage would unlock sonic for the whole game. Oh, the logic of seven year olds.