
What's sad about this whole debacle is I really do believe Curt Shilling loves video games and wanted to make a title people would enjoy playing. In the end, however, him and the people at 38 studios seriously misjudged the market. This is a seriously bad time to release a new AAA property and an even worse time to

I was more saddened by this before I realized that both SWOTOR and Battlefront were developed externally. Nevertheless, it's sad to see the company that made so many awesome games from my childhood disappear forever. Dark Forces, X-Wing, Pod Racer, hell, even the mediocre Phantom Menace adaptation brought me countless

Man, why do I still own a Mac? Between this and Age of Empires II getting rereleased on Steam, I'm really feeling the pull of windows again.

"You've got an Aliens game. In the shitter. Minus AI. And the graphics suck. Take me to it!"- Patch Team Leader

I'm calling it right now. The girl's terrible monster is actually the boy's computer! Dun dun duuuhhhhh!!!!!! Let the rampant speculations commence!

Meh, part of what I like about the Ice and Fire novels is that past events are told to us through the character's perspective, rather than just through explicit flashbacks. It's pretty essential to the central mystery and exposition of the series.

I would love to see a masked protagonist like Master Chief or Isaac Clarke revealed to be something other than a brown haired blue eyed white guy. Not that there's anything wrong with that body type, but it's just weird that developers are afraid to use anything else. It's time this generation had it's own Samus Aran.

Namibian Guy: (poses with his butt out) Loincloth...for Men. Available wherever mens underwear is sol...Wait a minute. Is someone behind me? Oh, geez. Who let these people in? This is a live set!

First system I ever owned at the age of 16. My parents didn't allow any "video games" in the house because they thought me and my three brothers would fight over it. Well, after years of us all nearly killing each other for time on the computer, this argument became pretty mute. Being the nerds we were, me and my

Kinect will have more detail, you say ;D

Mmmhmmm. Nothing like those sexy sexy heavily armored warhammer soldiers.

Dude, and that guy on the end is clearing pointing to his junk with that pistol. Geez, buddy. I can take a hint!

In this kind of hostile climate to new consoles, yeah, I'd expect a company to maybe go a more creative route. But this is Sony we're talking about. They'll keep releasing expensive, high performance hardware like its 2003.

Okay did anyone else envision a giant three year old waddling onto the runway and scaring all the planes into the air like a flock of pidgeons? No? Okay, me neither!

Needs more scheming, filth, and sexual debauchery if you ask me.

Yeah, I'm with you. The pairing always seems a little bit forced in fighting games.