I suppose you’d need that V8 to haul around that big closet of yours.
I suppose you’d need that V8 to haul around that big closet of yours.
You should have stopped at posting the Charger.
If a competent, enjoyable, fun-to-drive, RWD, manual car is gay, then call me Liberace.
All motorcyclists, whether you’re a MotoGP racer or Sunday Starbucks rider, have favorite corners of sections of…
Well seeing that my clutch knee is complete shit, and if I bought a car like this I would love to be able to use it with out excuse. And as kewl as the V-10 would be I’m ok with having the 8..
Hey now, don’t get political (sees it’s Dick Cheney) ... my bad, carry on, this is basically a guy who rigged the U.S. to go to War costing thousands of good decent men and women soldiers their lives over a lie, burying the US in trillions of additional debt, creating a quagmire situation and destabilizing and entire…
You know what drives me crazy about stories like this? Dick Cheney, dreadful guy, warmonger, shot his friend in the face, still warmongering after the war blew up in our faces, is STILL ALIVE. Jim Henson, Molly Ivins, Robin Williams, Douglas Adams, , now Lenny Robinson, all dead as doornails. I’ve matured enough to…
His Batmobile broke down with engine trouble, and when he got out to inspect the car, it was struck by a Toyota Camry, and then his own car hit him.
How about a spec (Chevy) Sonic Series? Winner gets a (Hyundai) Genesis. Video game fans swoon for the 90s.
I’m so happy when I drive it that I want to wave to everyone else and scream “HOW’S YOUR DAY? MINE’S FUCKING GREAT BECAUSE I’M IN A 2016 MIATA!”
You and I both know that is not a firm “Does not feel like stepping in a pile of dog poo” answer.
Does the clutch pedal still feel like stepping in a pile of dog poo?
I think Trump has 3 demographics behind him; angry old white guys, people who hate politicians and guys like me who thing the whole thing is the funniest joke they've heard in a long time.
Or like fifty Miatas.
Yeah. Shame, right?