The Grizzo

Dude, I feel your pain. One day (I was maybe 6 or 7, possibly younger) my dad and I stopped to grab a cheeseburger from a restauarant. I saw that Bacon was on the menu. EVerything aligned. The light bulb turned on. So I “created” the bacon cheeseburger sometime around 1992-1994.

Haven’t Googled it yet, but something

LOL, thanks for this. Great time investment for a giggle

I don’t want the NA kids in my neighborhood stealing my new wheels :D

Don’t know a hell of a lot about the guy, but he’s got character and actually made me interested in a Dodge product. We’ve got a winner! :)

On a serious note, I do like his writing style and his voice is very clear. Educational, informed, yet relaxed aka the best writers on Jalopnik/current media anywhere follow this

I also dpubted the Miata. I test drove an 07 NC in April for abput ten minutes because I was on lunch and "got it".

All I want to know is, can you give it to me when you're done? For free?

Hats off!

:D This guy! Well played.

I went crazy.

More like a kind response to a dick offer, but it's all perception I guess :)

Oh food? I bet you his ass walks for that!

Wait... Miata isn't the answer this time?

This world is turning into a pretty shitty place.

Excellent write up and nice taste man. Can't wait for the next one!

Technological assists out the ass or not, THAT car won't drive itself. Now you are just posting anything. Your previous posts had some valid points, this is a sorry reply to one of your points being slapped down.


A mirror? Turning and looking?

It's official: This guy is a piece of shit.

I love my Black Mica 2010 3 S 2.5. I love the huge grin. Many don't, but I do agree that Mazda's new styling is phenomenal. Crossing my fingers for a new speed3, speed6, heck, as good as this thing looks, make a speed2 as well!